Scarey or what,hope the nerves will be ok soon.
i just had a call a couple of hours ago from my ex.
she said my youngest daugher was in a bad car accident.
i asked her what happened, and told me that she was just pulling out from the drive way, and made a left turn.
Scarey or what,hope the nerves will be ok soon.
this not how independence day was meant to be celebrated!.
All I could do was read the title...and thats enough for me.
"the insurgents' aspirations are growing.
abdullah, a midlevel leader of kata'ib, says he's happy u.s. troops are staying in iraq: it means he can be part of the jihad.
asked what the jihadists will do if u.s. forces finally pull out, one of abdullah's comrades offers this answer: "we will follow them to the u.s." .
Everything poltical on the board turns into spat.....whats up wit dat EH?
I have a tatto in the same place Ciara,it does hurt there doesn't it!
I don't have a pic at the moment of my tattoo,but I'll get one on later.
Nice Tattoos
pretty sad.
i guess it's all fun and games for some people. report: u.s. hostage beheaded al arabiya says new video shows killing
friday, june 18, 2004 posted: 1:38 pm edt (1738 gmt) .
(cnn) -- an arabic tv news network said friday that american hostage paul johnson jr. has been beheaded by his saudi captors.
so lets give her a great big jwd welcome back to the legendary stinkypantz eh?.
stinkypantzlocationunited states, floridamembership2 y 30 d .
average 4.67 posts per day.
Welcome back Ms Pantz.
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
You go Ian!
Keep up that good outlook!
Bless you and I have been thinking of you often.
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
I will pray for you.
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
oop double post...but I'll keep the hugs there because more is better in this case.