I just had a call a couple of hours ago from my ex. She said my youngest daugher was in a bad car accident. I asked her what happened, and told me that she was just pulling out from the drive way, and made a left turn. A speeding car hit her on the rear side, blew the doors off, broke most of the glass out of her car, and send her spinning 360 a few times. The drive shaft is still rolling down the street somewhere.
It appears that the other driver may have been drinking. Her car, which she just got a few months ago is totally destroyed. She is OK for now, but pretty shook up. She didn't have anything broken or bruised, but has the usual accident shock. She was checked out by a medical team and was sent home. She was going to bed, as I got off the phone with her, and she is being given medication for her soreness. She mentioned that she had some pain from where her seatbelt was. So I hope she pulls out of this soon.
I am still in shock myself, going to get a glass of wine and go to bed. I'll call her in the morning and let you know how she is.