Hello,heres a site for yahs.I thought it was interesting.You all may have read this anyways...
Here is something that another lady pointed out to me about the NWT and scriptures.
A perfect example if the WTS moving a jot or a tittle is in :
Luke 23:43 Jesus said to the thief on the cross "Verily I say unto thee,(comma) Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."
Now compare this with the NWT -------->"Truly I tell you today,(comma) You will be with me in Paradise."
You can see clearly that the comma was placed in this place to take away from the heavenly hope to anyone who believes in Jesus. No other translation has a comma in this spot. Why? Because this is how the WTS wants the JW's to believe.
There are many more distortions in their NWT. And no true scholar's of the Greek or Hebrew recognizes the NWT as a true translation.