And no doubt he'll have clocked up 1000+ posts here by the end of the year...LOL...I mean, we've even got one of the leading people from JWZone here. The whole house of cards is beginning to fall! *evil giggle*
Posts by SYN
E-watchman... does something unexpected
by czarofmischief ineh?.
i didn't know if any of you read this, but i wonder what the hell he's up to?
E-watchman... does something unexpected
by czarofmischief ineh?.
i didn't know if any of you read this, but i wonder what the hell he's up to?
Wow! E-Watchman is getting nearer and nearer to joining the Dark Side! Damn, we should arrange to have a light-saber posted to him!
I was DA'd without my consent. Whadda buncha hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!
by Love_Truth ini was raised a jw, seriously studied the bible, consumed it, and in my decades, found very few jws or non-jws who knew it as well as i. i love god's word, the bible.
i left the jws as a teen/young man, df'd for fornication, with no witnesses, and i never showed for the judicial commitee.
when i came back in (in my 20s) and was re-instated, i was "super jw", very zealous, and very vocal and knowlegeable of the bible.
Hi Love_Truth, tell them they can kiss your ass!
Young People Ask: The Remix
by SYN inenjoy!
big-up to valis for hosting the files for me!
the original link is:
Yeah, those Governing Body Members are pompous all right! They're just so eeeasy to rip off!
shoot it down
by webclocker injoseph was 30 when pharo gave him egypt,why because he prefigured jesus, david was 30 when god made him king,why because he prefigured jesus.why was jesus 30 when god gave him his ministry,because thats the age adam was when god gave him eve.. why would god put all of these scriptures in the bible if adam was only 25 or 26 when god made eve.
gen 41:46 num 4:3 num 4:23 2sam 5:4 1chron 23:3 luke 3:23 adam was the first king.
an age god decided a man was of age.because if jesus was 30 and adam was only 25 then the devil has a legal case that god is cheating, that jesus had longer to develop than adam.
Hehehehe...Webclocker, when you make an assertion about something on this site, be prepared to back it up! You ain't gonna get no respect here till you learn to use them there Shift keys, mate!
Young People Ask: The Remix
by SYN inenjoy!
big-up to valis for hosting the files for me!
the original link is:
Yeah, ehehehe...I especially liked the one with the poodle...that's my favourite...
Young People Ask: The Remix
by SYN inenjoy!
big-up to valis for hosting the files for me!
the original link is:
Thanks Sirius!
Young People Ask: The Remix
by SYN inenjoy!
big-up to valis for hosting the files for me!
the original link is:
Found most of them on SomethingAwful, if you must know...
Young People Ask: The Remix
by SYN inenjoy!
big-up to valis for hosting the files for me!
the original link is:
Hi Nosferatu Glad you enjoyed it - it was great fun to write!
shoot it down
by webclocker injoseph was 30 when pharo gave him egypt,why because he prefigured jesus, david was 30 when god made him king,why because he prefigured jesus.why was jesus 30 when god gave him his ministry,because thats the age adam was when god gave him eve.. why would god put all of these scriptures in the bible if adam was only 25 or 26 when god made eve.
gen 41:46 num 4:3 num 4:23 2sam 5:4 1chron 23:3 luke 3:23 adam was the first king.
an age god decided a man was of age.because if jesus was 30 and adam was only 25 then the devil has a legal case that god is cheating, that jesus had longer to develop than adam.
shoot it down means take it apart, im not inerasted in thesis or university degrees or plastic intulectuals or insiders and outsiders, or people who for effect attach satan to there title , hey because they feel the need to stand out. so use somthing they think is shocking enough to attract the right type of attention [come ahead sainty youve not got it]. i asked for people to shoot it down not huff and puff, if you cant shoot it down crawl back to to sad tittle imaginary gods
Some of us imagine no "gods" at all. In fact, some of us are given to thinking that the whole "god" thing is the reason for a lot of trouble and bad stuff in the world today! Also, some of us know how to use a little thing called the Shift key. In fact, I'd bet that it's a fair guess that 99% of the people on this site know about the Shift key!
that are going to save you from the fact that there is a hole in the ozone layer 3 times the size of australia, that speices after speices are dissapearing evrey year, that the country that i live in males produce far less sperm than they did 20 years ago, why because you lot are far to buisy doing the devils twisted little deeds, that your far to buisy looking at your own future never mind your kids. dream on you dont have one .
Males are still producing enough sperm to account for vast swathes of teenage pregnancy - it is in fact a rather large problem in most First World countries - but it's even more of a problem in Third World countries, where populations are absolutely ballooning. So what? You come off as really vitriolic. Now note that I'm no university graduate - I didn't even go the equivalent of an American college.
you have no future! youve even pretended to your selfs that its no longer a hole in the ozone layer, because that dosnt fit in to your tiny little minds. instead you opted for the easiest thing for your brain to accept and they call it global warming. the whole plannet is being sterilized by micro waves and radiation and the only thing you wish to concern youselfs with is spelling mistakes shift keys. well ive put it to you, ive done my bit. the blood guilt isnt mine. happy victim picking but hey if youve got some of gods kids in your house hold, mabey you should look up arrogance.
I live in Australia, and we're pretty close to that ozone hole. Sure, the Barrier Reef is being bleached to a crisp by the UV, but on the other hand, the cockroach population is exploding! I suppose this is a really good point in time for...cockroaches. Perhaps they will inherit the Kingdom of God, not us. They've certainly been around much longer than us young upstarts. And it's really not that hard to hold down the Shift key every once in a while! It would make your posts soooo much easier to read...
shoot it down intullectuals, proffessors, kid on gods, guru's, die hard witnesses, and of course total ego trippers. shoot it down. not oppinions evidence. facts. read the scriptures that i posted and say somthing that means somthing. as im not in the least bit intersted in pseudo intullectuals. (plenty of thows} come ahead webclocker laugh on riddicule its no skin off my nose
Your posts are funny enough all by themselves, dude. Personally I don't consider Bible verses to be "evidence", anymore than I consider verses from Shakespeare's "Hamlet" to be "evidence". Now listen to this: If you want to have a look at something really dangerous and disturbing, just do a search for the phrase "Peak Oil" on Google. Go on, give it a bash. Those two words, and what they mean, are enough to give me the absolute willies. We're all living in a paradise right now - life on Earth has never been better for a small fraction of the globe, those in the First World, but imagine what your life will be like when oil costs four times to five times more than it does all makes a lot more sense when you look at events of the past couple of years in the light of Peak Oil.