shoot it down

by webclocker 67 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • webclocker

    joseph was 30 when pharo gave him egypt,why because he prefigured jesus, david was 30 when god made him king,why because he prefigured jesus.why was jesus 30 when god gave him his ministry,because thats the age adam was when god gave him eve.

    why would god put all of these scriptures in the bible if adam was only 25 or 26 when god made eve. gen 41:46 num 4:3 num 4:23 2sam 5:4 1chron 23:3 luke 3:23 adam was the first king. an age god decided a man was of age.because if jesus was 30 and adam was only 25 then the devil has a legal case that god is cheating, that jesus had longer to develop than adam. why did david hide from saul for so long, because there was no way god was going to let him be a king before he was 30, as with jesus as with joseph. it wasnt an after thought, god saw that man had lived long enough on his own and decided that 30 was the age a man was a man. jesus spent 30 years of peace before the devil tempted him 3 times. this makes october 2005 a conclusion of 6000 years. adam and eve were only in the garden of eden for 3 1/2 years because that is the lenth of time jesus ministry lasted propitiatory sacrifice,an eye for an an eye,a tooth for a tooth,a life for a life,a day for a day a year for a year.

    . dan 7:25 dan 12:7 rev 12:14 all speak of a time times and half a time, that equals three and a half years. and all of them are mentioned as taking place in the time of the end. the bible says this.

    forty two months is also three and a half years, and appears in rev 11:2 rev 13:5 and also fits into the time of the end.

    a thousand two hundred and sixty days, is also three and a half years. rev 12:14 tells us this. you can look them up in rev 11:3 and rev 12:6 also talking about the time of the end. there is a three and a half year period in the time of the end. the bible says this. if you read them you will see that they are what mt 24:21 refers to as great tribulation. the bible says that hasnt happend yet.

    the devil is still in heaven its next year hes evicted not 1914. and hes here for three and a half years

    2005 begins the last three and a half years or 42 months or a time times and half a time or 1260 days they all belong here. the lenth of time the devil is here. the lenth of time he was with adam the lenth of time he was with jesus the lenth of time he will have with us, why would god allow the devil longer with adam than jesus and us, or longer with us than adam or jesus. he dosnt the devil and the king of the north are the same time frame.adam failed his test jesus didnt will we fail ours .

    if adam is born 4026 bc eve is born 3996 bc 30 years later. in gods calander that is year 0, which means jesus was born in the year 3995 ad the 2004 years that have past since jesus, and you come to the year your living in 5999. the devil is on his way.

    if 2005 is right then count back 7 times from that date and you should come to the year the jews went into captivity.

    im not saying this is right im saying it fits.

  • shamus
  • shotgun


    if adam is born 4026 bc eve is born 3996 bc 30 years later. in gods calander that is year 0, which means jesus was born in the year 3995 ad the 2004 years that have past since jesus, and you come to the year your living in 5999. the devil is on his way.

    God does not use a calendar...the printing cost became to high after billions of years.

    Where did you come up with Eve being 30 yrs after Adam?

    Do you think it took Adam and God thirty years to figure out that there didn't seem to be anything suitable for Adam mate with?

  • shotgun

    I suppose he would it being blank and all XJW.

    This is how the thirty years came about.

    Year one....

    Adam probably asked God everymorning....

    What did you say a woody was for?

    Then God had to explain the whole sex thing to Adam.....

    What the same thing I pee out of....ewwww

    Put into her what.....please God give me another year to think about this.

    Year 30

    Oh hell...take a freakin rib if you have too I'm freakin ready to explode over here.

  • shamus

    LMAO at shotgun...

  • Love_Truth

    I continually find it amusing that people are still trying to predict that which Jesus clearly stated would be hidden from us, that is WHEN, and at the same time feel pity for such ones.

    Faith in God, and service to him, faith in his Son's ransom sacrifice's power to redeem us, practicing the fruitages of the Holy Spirt, prayer, doing our utmost to avoid sin, and helping others do the same are what matter.

    Everything else is an opinion, an interpretatiion, trivia, and missing what is important. The meaning of the locusts, the "date" on which Christ's parousia will occur, the length of Hezekiah's beard, etc- these are unnecccesary diversions to what is important- our salvation, and what is neccessary to gain it.

    That, in a nutshell is what is wrong with EVERY religion, not just JWs.

  • dustyb

    ask a jehovah's witness, if man was created in 4026 BCE, why is the Chinese dynasty dated to over 6000 years in the past....

  • galaxy7

    loves_truth: what is necessary to gain salvation?

  • Satanus

    Clark kent was a teenager when he arrived on earth from his home planet. Shoot that down.


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    maybe adam was into beastiality for his first 30 years

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