I can certainly appreciate some of the rewrites above but I think there's a good point made in the original post. I can't remember where I saw it but there was this term I came across "ex ex-jw" which essentially was like our Guy A above. That is to say that many ex JW are still stuck in the pain of the past like our Guy B, but if you can move past that, you can make it to ex ex-jw where it's all in the rear view mirror and you have moved on. Its not always as simple as that unfortunately and we have to be careful not to judge or alienate others based on where they are in their own personal journey. Some are pimo, some are still coming to terms, some have more healing to do than others and some may feel resentful for the bad decisions they have made in their lives because of undue influence and deception, perhaps even having wasted decades of the only life that they know for sure that they have now that their faith has been shaken.
I like to think of myself as Guy A, but then I'm pimo, at least for now, and I do occasionally find my blood boiling at the extreme hypocrisy and the utter wickedness of the GB. I wait (im)patiently until I can be 100% out and put this nonsense behind me but I know there will still be life long consequences. My heart goes out to every victim of this and other religious parasitic fraudulent organizations.