JoinedPosts by MrRoboto
Protect Your Family??
by Tech49 inhere is an article in the current study copy of the wt.
tell me your thoughts and i will tell you mine.!
this is a topic that i am very sensitive about, as i could never see not protecting my family, even if that meant using whatever means at hand to do so!
I think it feeds the persecution complex of the org when bad things happen to members and so if you were to defend yourself and especially in a way that would likely have you be successful, noone could point to "poor Larry, who died a faithful man, just after watching his wife and children get raped and killed by the wicked unbelievers." Martyrs are good for business. PS Larry is probably a fictional character and any resemblance to a real person/experience is horrific and unintended. -
Just a story to share
by sinboi inguy a and guy b were in bondage for a long time.
during this period, they have endured a lot of suffering and hardship.. somehow, they managed to escape from their captors.. guy a was very happy that he regained his freedom.
he put everything behind him, work hard and succeeded in building up a career.. 10 years later, he met guy b. he asked guy b what he has been doing for the past 10 years.. guy b replied :" i can't forget how we suffered while in bondage.
I can certainly appreciate some of the rewrites above but I think there's a good point made in the original post. I can't remember where I saw it but there was this term I came across "ex ex-jw" which essentially was like our Guy A above. That is to say that many ex JW are still stuck in the pain of the past like our Guy B, but if you can move past that, you can make it to ex ex-jw where it's all in the rear view mirror and you have moved on. Its not always as simple as that unfortunately and we have to be careful not to judge or alienate others based on where they are in their own personal journey. Some are pimo, some are still coming to terms, some have more healing to do than others and some may feel resentful for the bad decisions they have made in their lives because of undue influence and deception, perhaps even having wasted decades of the only life that they know for sure that they have now that their faith has been shaken.
I like to think of myself as Guy A, but then I'm pimo, at least for now, and I do occasionally find my blood boiling at the extreme hypocrisy and the utter wickedness of the GB. I wait (im)patiently until I can be 100% out and put this nonsense behind me but I know there will still be life long consequences. My heart goes out to every victim of this and other religious parasitic fraudulent organizations.
youngest baptised.
by zeb inwhat is the youngest you have seen someone baptised?
i recall seeing a 9 yo girl baptised..
If they were an honest bunch, being that baptism is THE most important decision (they say) you will ever make, they would not be promoting baptism until after the bloom of youth. If you are not mature enough to marry then obviously you are not mature enough to enter into a more serious decision. Besides that, most kids and newer "ones" associating w/ the JWs are not fully and correctly informed about the bORG, it's past and what REALLY happens if you change your mind after taking the plunge. How can a 12 year old wrap their mind around permanent loss of mom and dad and siblings... growing up alone and unloved... Their kids having no grandparents (on their side) no aunts, no uncles.. no family.. Now I didn't grow up in it but I certainly didn't understand all of this and I was somewhere past 25 years old (dont want to give too much detail) how can a minor be expected to know what they are doing?
They can't. And the bORG knows it - it's child abuse plain and simple.
Be loyal when a relative is disfellowshipped
by UnshackleTheChains inwell.....they showed that shunning video again.
you know...the one where goldilocks gets disfellowshipped- and the parents look across the hall at her with disdain.....yeah that video.. i was interested to see what kind of answers would be given during the discussion after the video and some of the reactions.
everyone sat there gormlessly staring at the video.
And it's meeting parts like this that make me sick (and did the first round when this vid was part of the RC)
for the Q: How did their loyalty to Jehovah benefit Sonja?
I was thinking something like:
"So after many years of having no natural affection for their daughter and granddaughter (2tim3:3 : ) Sonja finally saw the darkness she was living in and decided it was time..."
Oh yah & dont forget the spiritual gems part that asks "Why will God’s Kingdom have to crush the earthly rulerships depicted in the image?" even though the only thing left these days is the feet/toes - oops!
Do A Majority of Those That Bother With Doctrine Reject the Current Teachings?
by OnTheWayOut inon another thread, shadow asked pimojw, a newbie still serving in a congregation, "how about the overlapping generation?
do you know anyone who actually believes that?
"answer was "no i dont!
I can't speak from the POV of anyone but myself. However, I can tell you what my thoughts are on what I see around me (being pimo, I get semi-regular exposure)
In my opinion, most of the JW's cant possibly be actually full-in mentally, believing the things they are told. If they were, the elders would indeed be refreshing and kind, love would abound (and not just "among yourselves" but with "your neighbor" as well) I know there are some who are really sweet and deluded and really try to act like a good Christian and think it's "The Truth" but that's pretty rare. So while I cant take an honest tally at the hall, I would have to say no - most people at the hall are a-holes that A) are just in it for themselves (and family/prominence) and B) dont want to lose their family/friends. As for elders, I know some have a different view of them (and I know that they aren't ALL of them like this) but they are bunch of venomous vipers, much like the pharisees of the Bible. And the GB and helpers have told so many obvious OBVIOUS! lies - even on JW broadcasting.. its appalling.
Take all of that above and blend with a fair amount of double-thought and hypocrisy and brainwashing - for a clearer picture of what's going on.
If there is a loving and just and perfect and powerful creator, now is waaay past due to put mankind out of the misery that is JW .org (and some of the other religions too) (can we remove the auto-URLizing feature PLZ? I had to edit this so as not to help their SEO/backlinks)
Sorry for the bit-o-rant but it may (or may not) be meeting night and cortisol is bad for you at this dose.
What are your beliefs now, religious/non religious?
by Jules Saturn inwhat are your convictions now that you are no longer one of jehovah's witnesses?
are you a born again christian?
have you joined another denomination of christianity?
B.S. (Belief System)
Not inherently evil but B.S. can make you easy prey for those who seek to control.
BTW I don't mean to include theories or hunches or "I think it's probably like this" kind of thinking. I'm referring to dogma that affect how you act and think and treat others that have no actual basis in reality outside of belief.
@sparrowdown - that's so refreshing to hear (er read), keep on keeping on. There's so much more beyond the veils we've been surrounded with (and sometimes, the ones we surround ourselves with) You sound like a truth-seeker
When exactly did Jesus become king? The Insight Book tells us.
by The Fall Guy init-2 pp.
61-62 jesus christ - "they [1st century christians] recognized him as their lord........because of his kingly position and authority.
it was in the full regal as well as priestly authority represented by jesus’ name that his followers the “name” of this divinely commissioned king, the lord jesus christ.
Wow, I must've missed that gem in my research. I'll add that to my collection of proofs of the disingenuous, deceitful and malicious nature of the bORG
What are your beliefs now, religious/non religious?
by Jules Saturn inwhat are your convictions now that you are no longer one of jehovah's witnesses?
are you a born again christian?
have you joined another denomination of christianity?
My only firmly held belief is that religion is a snare & a racket. Can we use RICO against the GB? Definitely organized crime and racketeering.
Besides this, I will only say that the nature of reality & existence is far from what we have been told and a great many things we have been taught since childhood (not talking ORG here) are contrived notions that are highly effective in controlling people and thoughts. Again, this part is not talking about the bORG. Maybe one day when time permits, I will start a thread w/ more details.
by midnight inregarding the recent 1975 video at the convention it hit me !.
when reasoning with people about the inspiration of the bible we used the bible writers candor ie/ there honesty when recording bible accounts about there personal mistakes .. how come the governing body despite its claims to be spirit directed are not honest about there mistakes ?.
The GB is like so many groups that control large swaths of people: They are never wrong, it's just that you haven't yet figured out that they are lying. The proof is in the literature - you can show that they know 607 bce is not true by following their own pubs (namely the insight books and 1 older WT article). There are no "mistranslations" when you deliberately put the wrong word/phrase in your bible when it supports your "theology." Do they even believe in a creator? I have no idea but they certainly are not honest and the magazines / books are full of purposeful evasions, revisionary history, propagandist methodologies, thought controlling tactics.
Jas 2:19 - You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
The GB does not shudder.
What woke you up?
by MrRoboto infor me, i think it was just the right time as i was starting to wake up on other fronts as well (anyone who had went through these will know what i mean).
but it started when i was looking for what info goes on a publisher card, which led to me reading one person's story (ex bethelite) which was pretty crazy to an all-in jw but who trusts those apostates...?.
then i started watching videos on cults, as if my subconscious was trying to tell my concord mind something... when i saw a particular one about a young man in lds getting ready to start their 2 year preaching campaign, including a school, social activities etc, i realized that i couldn't tell the difference between the folks of this mormon cult and the jws (save for some religious differences) .
For me, I think it was just the right time as I was starting to wake up on other fronts as well (anyone who had went through these will know what I mean)
But it started when I was looking for what info goes on a publisher card, which led to me reading one person's story (ex bethelite) which was pretty crazy to an all-in JW but who trusts those apostates...?
Then I started watching videos on cults, as if my subconscious was trying to tell my concord mind something... When I saw a particular one about a young man in LDS getting ready to start their 2 year preaching campaign, including a school, social activities etc, I realized that I couldn't tell the difference between the folks of this Mormon cult and the JWs (save for some religious differences)
Then at the KH I heard a part on 607bce and thought "wait have I ever proven that date to myself?" of course I couldn't, and realized the truth about 1914 as well. from there, every suppressed question I had waited on Jehovah to answer had come back as if it were only yesterday.. Every questionable teaching I swept under the carpet was coming back out. It was a depressing whirlwind of furious research and bible reading and prayer that finally got me to know ttatt..
That's my awakening story... What's yours?