meanmrmustard - what I meant was not that the courts would remove him, but that they could give the office to whomever they wish after the removal is done (by the senate, as noted) this situation would be unprecedented and only the courts would settle a perceived or claimed fraudulent election. In case you missed the memo, the constitution has been dead for many years. Case in point - think about all the situations the police or feds can search you, your belongings, or seize the same... WITHOUT a warrant - then go back and read the constitution and see what probable cause was necessary to do.
I'm not saying anything did or didn't happen to validate the removal of Trump but I think by now it should be clear to most that real reasons don't need to exist for the will of the powerful to be impressed upon the less powerful.
People are exonerated all the time when evidence is overwhelming.
People are convicted all the time when evidence is lacking.
Those wielding the heavy hammer of JustUs do not need actual criminals to convict, they can simply point at a person and haul them off. And yes, I'm talking about the USA, where Trump is.
I'm simply relaying to you a possibility that may happen and that actual wrong-doing is not necessary to prove to get it done.