That only covers about 75% of the ppl at the hall I sometimes attend. Anyone else notice something similar?
JoinedPosts by MrRoboto
Anthony Morris Says That Tight Disgust His Imaginary Friend Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower intitus 1:15,16.
15 all things are clean to clean people;o but to those who are defiled and faithless, nothing is clean, for both their minds and their consciences are defiled.p
16 they publicly declare that they know god, but they disown him by their works,q because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort..
New Member Of The Governing Body 24 Jan 2018
by pale.emperor injust seen this announced on reddit:.
ken cook was announced today at morning worship as the new member of the governing body.
i dont recall him from the broadcasts, but he was formally a helper on the writing committee as per
Wasnt there an article a while back that mentioned the helpers not being annointed? or am i misremembering that?
What else is there to the so called "Truth"
by jdash infirst of all, i want to say thanks to all of you guys who gave me advice on my first post.
it really helped and i will try to use all of it.
now, i been doing research on what is false about the jdubs.
MrRoboto will help you sort some of it out. reading just the "greek scriptures" will prove quite a bit of their stuff to be unbiblical.
you're headed the right direction, dont stop until you find truth.
Don't Try to Choose Your Beliefs
by cofty inbeliefs are not things to be chosen like new clothes; authentic beliefs happen to us without our conscious attention.. i have often seen comments from ex-jws to the effect that they are now unsure about what they 'ought' to believe.
others express offense when their chosen beliefs are challenged and well-meaning bystanders protest that everybody is entitled to believe whatever they wish.
this misunderstanding of what it means to believe something is unhelpful.. it's natural to want to quickly replace our old beliefs when our worldview has collapsed around us.
It should be mentioned that while authentic beliefs can "happen to us without our concious attention" authentic beliefs can also be formed when we conciously examine evidence for/against an idea, even putting the "expert" beliefs or assertions to the test to (in)validate it.
when you refuse to do this, it may lead to actually choosing your belief by omitting pertinent information that could lead your belief system in another direction.
adhering to the many things we have been indoctrinated with (religious and otherwise) without setting out to honestly and without prejudice prove whether these things are true or not has the defacto result of choosing the indoctrinated thought structure (belief)
sometimes those who come here asking what to believe are simply in the middle of a belief system collapse and they should be supported to the extent possible, helping them to learn how to think if necessary but never what to think.
Thats my 2 cents anyway.
ARC Information pack received in relation to my help, assistance, evidence and testimony
by jwleaks inthis was sent to me by the arc for assisting and providing evidence and testimony in relation to jehovah's witnesses, the watchtower bible & tract society of australia, terrence o'brien, vincent toole, and geoffrey jackson of the governing body.. photo 1. a thank you letter, final report, summary brochures of the entire arc, every single case study and related document on a usb memory stick.. photo 2. close up of official arc usb memory stick with every single case study every single report and all the documents used.. photo 3. this arrived last year.
case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses.
i sent this official hardcopy to barbara anderson as a gift for all her hard work.. .
Unbelievable and awesome! well done.
JWLeaks, is there any way that we would access a copy of the judicial hearing you are refering to? Is it already public somewhere?
wild-thing would you mind updating us on this thread if you manage to get a copy or if they deny it?
Crazy JW Comments On
by AverageJoe1 ini read john redwood’s excellent article on but what was even more mind blowing for me was all the jw comments via disqus at the end of the article:.
they are all the typical lashing out comments based on emotion rather than logical reasoning along with the watchtower apologists thrown in for good measure.. if any of you have a disqus account, then i’d encourage you to have your say.
AverageJoe, I dont know how you can take it, my head hirts just reading the first page of comments!
its really quite amazing the number of JWs that have a disqus acount and also have fond that post on avoidjw, I wonder if theres something more going on here... something more than just lurking.
oh yeah and the site admin changing the link in one comment, twice - obviously from jw . org to jw.borg - hah! priceless - "remove direct link to Apostate web site." - too bad he missed some others in the other comments.
im a firm believer in not helping the borg with their SEO.
A perfect guidebook ? Really
by CovertsadJW inif jehovah is a “ perfect “ god and our everlasting life is in the balance - why then does a perfect god give us a very imperfect guide book “ bible “ one that is open for interpretation hundreds - or more - different ways.
if you look at it as an instruction book , it most likely is the worst written instruction book in mankind’s history.
i cannot interpret an instruction book on “ flying a plane “ , it only has one interpretation as your life depends on it , but alas it was written by imperfect men.
CovertSadJW feel free to ask questions here, make new posts if you want, you'll find alot of support and answers here.
I dont risk talking to any JWs about this stuff except here and 1 very close semi-awakened family member that wont make a thing of it. Everyone else is off limits, at least until I draw my line in the sand - im pimo for now but at my wits end with these nutters.
A perfect guidebook ? Really
by CovertsadJW inif jehovah is a “ perfect “ god and our everlasting life is in the balance - why then does a perfect god give us a very imperfect guide book “ bible “ one that is open for interpretation hundreds - or more - different ways.
if you look at it as an instruction book , it most likely is the worst written instruction book in mankind’s history.
i cannot interpret an instruction book on “ flying a plane “ , it only has one interpretation as your life depends on it , but alas it was written by imperfect men.
Dude, you obviously are just blinded by the devil! Otherwise you would have the correct interpretation of the bible, which incidentally coincides with the JW interpretation. Duh!
Ok j/k. Yes the bible is not internally consistent. that does not mean there is no god, but it means that it is not the "word" of a perfect loving god. A loving perfect gid would ensure that his word was consistent, unadulterated and available to all, and that all would have a complete understanding of salvation and the requirements therefor. He would also make it abundantly obvious that it is actually his word, without question.
I dont know, maybe a burning bush could recite the words day and night or something. Or maybe miracles could be abundant and based on this "word" as supposedly happened in times past.
Wishful thinking I suppose. that doesnt prove a lack of god but helps make a good case against a loving fatherly god at the least.
Can you top this example of JW corruption?
by Mace.Bean inif you are a former jw elder, can you share any examples of corruption which you personally witnessed that were kept secret from the congregation?
following is an account from a longtime elder named tommy who recently disassociated.. the minor daughter of a presiding elder in a west texas congregation committed fornication with a 19-year old baptized witness in her father’s home.
the daughter had to confess to a judicial committee which included the aforementioned tommy.
Im not privy to that level of depth of knowledge at the hall where I go. I dont have friends there and try to mind my business and I dont want to know about their petty shenanigans.
Having said that, it does seem like most of the elders are pimo and some seem to intentionally say and do things in ways that wont get them caught but still heavily discourage the r&f in various ways. things like having an puffy-head attitude, having pioneer and elder appreciation dinners (cuz if yer not those, you're nothing) making only family members into MS or elder, forgetting to give talk slips, changing talk schedules without informing the folks who it affects, sometimes just 1 day before hand. As much as I hated it when I was all in, it probably helped me to see ttatt.
Thats an elder corruption I wont complain about if it helps wake people up.
The FISA Memo, To Release Or Not To Release
by freemindfade inwas the doj, nsa, and fbi weaponized?
the biggest scandal of this era, or a false alarm by the gop?
i am skeptical what will come of it, however, some very strong reactions and words are coming from its existence and those who read it, also the fight to keep it secret is telling (reminds me of any cult trying to prevent people from reading damaging information).
Every law requiring secrecy leads to abuse.
Its human nature, just as believing that someone else is watching every move tends to change peoples' behavior in a positive way.
The 3 letter agencies have been weaponized for many many years.
the real question is whether we should treat anythng that comes out of them to the public as truth or simply as subjective / possible propaganda with purpose.