Which apostles? Paul was quite the wolf in sheeps' clothing with all of his musings that run counter to Jesus words in the gospels.
Besides that, the bible says not to put your trust in men but that is exactly what he's to be done if you are to assume the accuracy of the words of the church fathers (or more accurately, the accuracy of the words proclaiming the words of the church fathers, unless you knew those guys personally)
Then again, the church fathers apparently debate very much about whether Revelation should be considered for biblical inclusion. This fact alone draws into question the identity of the author of at least one book which allegedly contains the words penned by... an apostle.
It seems the bible was right, do not put your trust in humans.. But hey even if revelation is uncertain and Paul was a theological distraction, certainly we can trust the gospels, right?
If only we could figure out how many angels were at that tomb and if he/they were on the right or left side (or outside)... and if the girls went and told everyone what they saw or whether they were to afraid to... I just can't seem to get those straight for some reason. Maybe the church fathers could shed some light.