In the voice of Ant. Mo. III
"Who Really Is Jesus Christ?"
'Well, brothers, I know that the Chariot is moving lightning-fast these days, but please try to keep pace. By the way, you there, brother in the tight pants - it must be awfully difficult to run this race and keep up with the chariot wearing pants like that. Now where was I? Oh yes, you're in for a treat today brothers and sisters. Today you're going the next grade level of the Highest Learning(tm) acadamy when you see what we've go in store for you!
Yes so our theme is 'Who Really Is Jesus Christ?' And boy I just can't hold it back any longer, this light is just too bright not to share with you all right this second: Yes, it turns out after much prayerful consideration, Jehovah has made it quite clear to us that WE(!), yes, the entire Governing Body, are, in fact, a composite Jesus Christ! So now, when you think back on this special talk and it's title, you can proudly proclaim the answer to the question "Who Really Is Jesus Christ" - The Governing Body Really Is Jesus Christ! (confused applause from the crowds)
With this new light, thank Jehovah, we find that while it was just fine all the while, to end our prayers with the words "in Jesus name" or something similar - now, brothers, and when I say this, please try to keep up with the chariot everyone, no-one wants to be left behind, right? Now we used to end our prayers that way but going forward, we can show our faith in the composite Jesus Christ by ending our prayers with the words "in the name of the Governing Body" or you can even use our personal names - just please make sure to include each of us by name. If you do this and if your prayer is in harmony with God's will, there can be no doubt that Jehovah God - the Sovereign of the Universe(!) - will hear your prayer! (clapping - assumes audience is also clapping)