I'm thinking that the talk of extra accounts with the loot is a bit of topic (unless it turns out that's what this resolution is really about) but I find the idea incredulous and interesting. Shell game to hide the loot but I'm sure that a judge, if ever it was found out, could still order that money to be used to pay debts of WBTS and maybe give them a nice hefty fine for trying to hide it. So much for Romans 13 and the superior authorities, it's clear that the most superior authorities are the GB.
I suppose that giving all that loot to a few trusted men might actually be quite the temptation as using it to do whatever they want would not be stealing (?) since its under their control. Someone might get in trouble, sure, but not to the same degree as theft, especially with those big numbers involved. Maybe a nice new CO car or residence, elders need to dress well so some new suits would be in order. Hey maybe every publisher could get in it, depending on how much we're talking about... A little bit of Robbin Hood perhaps?
Would make for an interesting blip in the news anyways.