This is not the link from the OP but Wikipedia gives a few diff view points on the subject:
JoinedPosts by MrRoboto
Watchtower promotes the Antichrist in the new June 2018 broadcasting!
by jwdoctrine inthe watchtower promotes the antichrist in the new june 2018 broadcasting.
the latest june 2018 jw-broadcast shows a small clip at the end where a group of jehovah's witnesses are standing in a field waiting to be captured by armed forces.
right behind them, a white horseman appears with a bow and arrow shooting at the armed men.
Death's in Noah's flood
by Are you serious inhas the wt ever come out with an article that indicates how many people died during the mythical flood?
i searched on their site but couldn't find anything.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well James I guess that's one way to look at it..I mean at least he got to spend a whole year with cuddly penguins.
That and he had 7 other ppl who he could get to clean up all the dung and such..I mean, that's the only reason they were spared. After all HE was the righteous one, why should he be the dung-slinger?
Death's in Noah's flood
by Are you serious inhas the wt ever come out with an article that indicates how many people died during the mythical flood?
i searched on their site but couldn't find anything.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Eyeusedtobadub- they say he preached but there is only one line in the bible touching on that... "was a preacher of righteousness".... That could mean all sorts of things.. It doesn't mean, at face value, that he preached about the boat or rain or the end.... Or anything specific..
Death's in Noah's flood
by Are you serious inhas the wt ever come out with an article that indicates how many people died during the mythical flood?
i searched on their site but couldn't find anything.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Smiddy - lots of stuff doesn't make sense.
The animals will stop eating each other because the earth will be filled with the knowledge of jah... Wait, so animals eating escort is because of human sin? Or maybe the animals shined by forgetting about jah? What about when Israel was being good and was filled with the knowledge, did they not eat escort then?
Does Satan control the abilities of animals to eat and digest each other? Including the shape/size of their teeth? And why only some animals eat meat and act violently? Do the plant eaters have that knowledge of god? If so, that would mean its genetic apparently... Which is a bit racist (specesist just doesn't have the same ring)
And don't forget, you are the clay which cannot resist the potter, he is the potter yet when there is a defect in you, it's your fault Mr. Clay.
Death's in Noah's flood
by Are you serious inhas the wt ever come out with an article that indicates how many people died during the mythical flood?
i searched on their site but couldn't find anything.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your description reminds me of the Architect scene in the Matrix but with slightly different numbers of survivors chosen to start the new world.
So how long you figure we got before the machines reset us? :)
Joseph Rutherford = Donald Trump
by Wild_Thing ini have been rereading a lot about rutherford lately; about his personality and the kind of person he was.
i have come to the conclusion that he was a lot like donald trump.. he was an accused womanizer.. he was a narcissist with a self inflated ego.
he claimed to be persecuted by the media all the time.
The psychology is this:
sh!t rolls downhill.
The obvious implication of this is that the one who is full of sh!t is on the top.
Seriously though, there have been studies showing that sociopaths tend to be the ones in high positions.
How to deal with struggling with the doctrines
by Dval inthis is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
Welcome Dval,
Most of us here have been where you are now so we can definitely relate.
The organization has been changing alot the least few years, if you have not attended regularly even for the past 2-5 years, you will not recognize the org.
That said, this is considered by the governing body and elders to be an apostate site but that doesn't mean we're mentally diseased or satan incarnate. However, most of us have not been able to reconcile the things you mentioned.
The only thing I can really say about your other questions is to recommend that you read the 4 gospel accounts. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Pay very close attention to what Jesus says and to the resurrection/tomb accounts. If you can make it a point to do all four books in a week's time or maybe 2 weeks (take notes though) you will likely learn more about Jehovahs Witnesses and about God than you can imagine.
I hope your journey serves you well.
Not Being Invited To Gatherings.
by kennylazo1 inhave you ever found out that your "buddies" from the kingdom hall went out to have fun and did not invite you?
if so how did you feel?.
The best was when I was asked if my spouse was going to the sisters gathering later that day. That's the closest to an invite that she got. I bet that elder learned to keep his mouth shut about get togethers after that..
Pretty sad n petty. Being pimo, I'm glad they leave us out of their nonsense gatherings these days but probably wears on her a bit.
Son of God
by Steel inis this a title of diety or did god have a baby?
sorry for being so brief, typing on a phone.. i am kind of interested to see what you have to say.
Sun of god only works in English and possibly engrish but I agree with the rest..
You could drive yourself mad trying to reconcile all these religious writings, even just staying in a single set like the books supposedly written by Moses (who writes about things that happen after their own death? Get with it Moshe!) let alone including the gospels and then into the letters.
Don't let your head pop!
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Gay Couple
by Simon inseems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues..
Wow this must be one of the fastest growing threads I've ever seen..
Yeah kinda funny how refusing to put objectionable content on a cake gets turned into refusing service wholesale.
That's like listening to some hardcore rap on the radio and then suing because they bleeped over all the swearing..... Oh but it is so personal! Nevermind that that I still got to listen to the music.
Frivolous suits like this need to be dealt with in a way that discourages them and those who seek them out and those who invite others to do so. This was obviously a program of attack as there was a wave of these in different places at the same time.
Now that the baker won, who is going to help them recoup all the lost money this has caused? Who is going to fix all the damage that was done to the other victims? Noone.
When winning is still losing.