Although I concur with @Heaven as to the order of creation I just as vehemently believe it is as much out of sorts to think a single cell organism (Universal Ancestor) is our beginning by happenstance.
That said there are many perplexing things in both. As far as the bible the flood alone is a field day for any evolutionist. If you think rationally there's serious concerns in this story. How were animals that are strictly indigenous to an area able to make it to the ark and then back. Just doesn't make sense. How in a short period of time was it possible for all these kingdoms of earth and the building of the tower of babel to have existed after only 8 people left the ark?
We could go on and on. As to the other side of the coin, the complexity in life is quite significant. If evolution is true, if this happenstance is accurate why can't we solve the complexity of life and disease?
If we can calculate the proteins involved in DNA and much more why is it not possible to cure disease and for that matter create life itself?
If you're honest there are questions on all sides that are terribly difficult to answer.