Just so you guys know these terms are all generated from the tech world. You guys are just now hearing about them is all. Been in the game for a while actually.
Ping - email me when you're back.
Granular - Used when describing a class, query etc gives greater control over something.
Leverage - Utilizing one tool to extend another. (hate this one with a passion)
Monetize - How to take an application and now start making money with it.
Prosumer - The consumer that's more or elite than the next guy.
Push - Dual meaning. Could be uploading changes of your work or to move an appointment to another time.
Convergence - Converging things together to make a viable product or service.
Hard Stop - Have to break off our meeting at this time no exceptions.
Scalable - This product will scale nicely at any size from startup to public offering.
Future Proof - Something that will still be viable and good in the future.
Touch Points - Times where you've discussed the project.
Touches - Usually used to suggest we haven't had enough touch points or conversation.
...there are plenty more but just a few to further make your nervous tick go haywire.