Humans are notorious for slanting evidence to support their position and disregarding evidence to the contrary.
Well if we take anything from this topic this should be it.
disclaimer: my graduate degree is in business, not science so i'm writing as a layman in this field.
yes, i know that someone is going to say that evolution does not encompass this topic and should be sectioned off under abiogenesis.
i'm not trying to argue semantics here but it seems like a case of avoiding an uncomfortable subject.
Humans are notorious for slanting evidence to support their position and disregarding evidence to the contrary.
Well if we take anything from this topic this should be it.
disclaimer: my graduate degree is in business, not science so i'm writing as a layman in this field.
yes, i know that someone is going to say that evolution does not encompass this topic and should be sectioned off under abiogenesis.
i'm not trying to argue semantics here but it seems like a case of avoiding an uncomfortable subject.
Just as a matter of clarity here, I'm no expert in the area whatsoever, however when I think of evolution I do also think of how evolution started. Perhaps where the bridge is gapped is in that there is more than one there theory as to how it kicked off. The point is abiogenesis sometimes gets bundled with other theories. At least for me that's how I think of it. it's I'm sure technically wrong.
In short I don't see how evolution (natural selection, life creating life yada yada) happens without some sort of event where non-living elements result in protozoan that then subsequently all life was formed.
It started somehow regardless of what you call it.
disclaimer: my graduate degree is in business, not science so i'm writing as a layman in this field.
yes, i know that someone is going to say that evolution does not encompass this topic and should be sectioned off under abiogenesis.
i'm not trying to argue semantics here but it seems like a case of avoiding an uncomfortable subject.
Evolution requires Abiogenesis or there is no evolution hence why it's always lumped in. At least in my mind. I think it's reasonable to do so for the simple fact you can't get to evolution without it. Creation doesn't requires such an event for obvious reasons. degree is in computer science. At least mine has "science" in it LOL.
Joking aside I think to have a fair discussion you sort of have to concede in having abiogenesis/evolution handcuffed together since you cannot have the later without the former.
have you heard that old chestnut?
i have.. typically it's the last resort when you have dismantled a jws beliefs and they have no way of defending them.
they know they are beat so they come out with that one.. its effectively an admission that you are right and they have no argument but they are still going to attend meetings because they like the social club.. what a lame way to defend your faith..
Embarrassingly I've said the same. You're exactly right, its the response when not much else can be said.
The further I get away the more I realize others who have never been inside the organization live just as clean and moral lives.
With the exception of an additional expletive or two most out are similar to those in. You have the same self-righteous types, the same arrogant types, the same gossiper types and so on.
There are benefits as to how you're raised as a JW but I'm finding many that are just as well mannered and have never seen the inside of a Kingdom Hall.
every cell in your body contains a big book of how to build another you.. although it's approximately 3 billion letters long only a small fraction of it contains instructions on making humans.. imagine trying to use a workshop manual but it reads like somebody messed up at the publishers.
there are a few paragraphs of meaningful text followed by pages of gibberish, another page or so of useful instructions then 9 more of random words.
some of it looks like copies of original text but full of typing errors.
I could sum up the above in one sentence.
Where is the proof of evolution in humans today? I don't see it.
See if evolution is perpetual (constant changes) over many many years certainly many thousands or perhaps millions of years ago a change would have been catapult into action to where we'd see existence of this over the past several centuries, yet nada.
every cell in your body contains a big book of how to build another you.. although it's approximately 3 billion letters long only a small fraction of it contains instructions on making humans.. imagine trying to use a workshop manual but it reads like somebody messed up at the publishers.
there are a few paragraphs of meaningful text followed by pages of gibberish, another page or so of useful instructions then 9 more of random words.
some of it looks like copies of original text but full of typing errors.
One of the things that always gets me about evolution is that of perpetuation. Now I appreciate it is slow and deliberate over many years however how does evolution explain the lack of perpetuating change in humans. Why the sudden stop? Why aren't humans still evolving?
With the ruins found at Gobekli Tepe some 12,000 years ago, other than how we procure food, we are much the same. Industrious, religious and human. I get this isn't a vast amount of time in the grand scheme not my point here.
The point I'm making is we don't really see any signs of the perpetuation of evolution in humans. We are still humans with largely the same races even. Ethiopians/Africans date back millions. Still indigenous to the same area.
So where's the change? Where's the perpetuation of evolution in evidence in our day.
Too bad I can't be around in a few thousand years to see humans grow densely thick skin and extra eyelids to combat the deterioration of the Earth's atmosphere that's letting harmful rays in.
a new letter was posted in to the elders who are under the brazilian branch:.
january 25, 2016to all bodies of eldersref .
: clap when given a readmission addear brothers:we would like to inform you about a recent adjustment.
speaking with inlaws i another congregation today who said exactly what is being said in our own hall.
the trolly work is long and boring and no one even notices they are there anymore but walk right on by.
jehovah really is speeding up the work lol.
It's only a matter of time before you see paid ads on Youtube, Mobile apps, Twitter, Facebook etc. With the school being 86'd lack of skilled witnessing it's only a matter of time before you see an all digital campaign of sorts. The cart witnessing is largely a flop. Just not a good way to reach anyone in 2015. Not to mention for it to work you need aggressive sales types for it which they don't have.
Be on the look out for only more of a digital presence in the future.
congrats to kim mikey, mike and kim reached 3000 subscribers on their youtube channel!
go check em out!
...again for what its worth I've seen a different side of them. To Mike's point btw they don't do videos to help others come out or be exposed to TTATT.
Their focus is more toward those that are already out. In other words just keep exposing all the little things that they don't tell you.
I get that Mike is crazy at times but I don't think he's a bad guy. In fact he's been done wrong by this org. He's reacting however he reacts.
Whether he's right or not I've officially exited the judging business. To each his own.
yup a mentally diseased apostate..
Obviously this guy is a nut job, clearly off his meds.
That said you're not supposed to put your hands on these guys. Curious to me how once out of main view they took him down to the ground. You're not supposed to do that.
That all said this sort of approach is utterly worthless.