The blatantly false teaching of 607 is what got me. This teaching was based loosely on Daniel 4 along with the Great Pyramid of Giza's dimensions (how on earth Russell sold this is still shocking to me but I digress). The only problem is a few years later cuneiform tablets started showing up. A few years after that thousands of these tablets were translated. To this day they are still translating and finding these cuneiform tablets. The Babylonians were master accountants. They recorded everything.
Just this past year more were found. It is clear by both documented business tablets along with those watching celestial events that are absolute in time have cooked the goose of the 607 teaching. It is a certainty that Jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587.
Why can't the Watchtower back off of this teaching and will manufacture unrecorded Kings or gaps in their reigns so as to keep this teaching? Without it there is no 1914, there is no 1919 (when authority was supposedly given to the WTBS) hence there's no Jehovah's Witnesses. It's that serious.
Lastly the mucking with the bible was the second thing that crushed my faith. For some time I have studied Koine Greek, really just for fun. The bible has categorically been changed to fit WT doctrine.
proskuneo (worship), elohim (true God or, God of gods), kyrios (Lord)
Those three words alone are monkeyed with so much the WT has painted themselves into a corner with contradictions. Why so many NWT revisions? Like the cartoon where another leak starts leaking the minute one is patched, the NWT receives patches on the regular.
What does Revelation 22:18,19 say about changing God's word??? Ummm yeah DON'T or the pelages in the bible will be brought upon you.