- Hand her a bible ask her to take you to the place where Jesus explained overlapping generations or makes any reference to the fact that a generation was longer than a generation of the time which is clearly outlined at the beginning of Matthew. Give you a hint its about 48 years.
- Ask her to open up Acts 15. The go to chapter to support the governing body. Ask if this was the first century gb then why were the Pharisees speaking. Why did they have a voice.
- In that same chapter ask how it is that the governing body operated there while Paul who was in Antioch at the time of this chapter hadn't been to Jerusalem in years. James too had to travel there.
- In that same chapter, Acts 15 again ask how it is that the murmurers that were clamoring for Gentiles to get circumcised came from the land of Judea where Jerusalem (where the gb supposedly operated) was centered. Could it be the apostles who certainly wouldn't have been summoned by the gb but rather would have led it could have been going to Jerusalem/Judea to correct the problem? If yes then there is no such thing as a governing body.
- If Matthew 24:36 indicates that no one knows the day or the hour, not even the son, then how is it that the organization said that Jehovah's day would culminate in 1914 - The time is at Hand p. 101 (1907). Why would Jehovah direct his channel to lie to his sheep?
There are just so many things. You don't need an apostate site or what they might see as that. You need only common sense and the society's publications. The following video talks about some of these things...