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JoinedPosts by Hadriel
30 Million Images of Child Abuse (England)
by amanamen ini wonder how many j dubs will get pulled down in this.
this is really somethin.. just the tip of the iceberg if you ask me.
here is the link..
Reinstated and then fade
by Zeds Dead ini'm a man - d'fd for 2.5 years now and divorced.
find it hard to date girls out here only due to always having this secret i carry with me that i was once a jw and the thought of telling a girl one day why my family don't acknowledge me as even alive.. recently been thinking of trying to get reinstated and then do a quick fade as i cant go back to the whole jw stuff.. easier said than done and was turned down twice by elders after an immediate attempt 2 years ago.. my motivation for trying would be 1.
) to see if family make contact and 2) play the last hand in their game and give the middle finger.. interested in viewpoints?.
@Zeds with the latest info at the convention if you are inactive and doing anything they disapprove of they may shun you anyway.
30 Million Images of Child Abuse (England)
by amanamen ini wonder how many j dubs will get pulled down in this.
this is really somethin.. just the tip of the iceberg if you ask me.
here is the link..
@baker looks like ssl certificate issue. May be fine but not guaranteed.
Updates and fixes
by Simon ini thought i'd spend some time cleaning up the forum code and wanted to let you know about some of the recent changes and fixes:.
the avatars and in-post images used to use a separate imaging service which was convenient but didn't provide much control over caching which meant that each day you visited the site you were probably re-downloading those images again.
as they are immutable they can be cached for a long time which saves bandwidth and speeds things up.
@simon probably quoting and mentions would be my biggest want. However I'm not nearly as regular on here as others so don't do anything on my account :)
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
In fact I suspect that in the near future many tablets that have been unearthed in recent years and have yet to be translated (there are thousands) will probably dispel this false teach even more conclusively.
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
1914 is categorically not right. I won't go into it here as it is too long to type but it is simply inaccurate. If you take one point alone, that being positions of heavenly bodies you come to the realization that 1914 is false. In order for it to be right certain celestial events that occurred and were written down would have had to have happened completely out of sequence of those very eclipses etc both before and after up to our current day.
Eclipses are pretty exacting. As such 607 is false which makes 587 false. Period end of story.
Updates and fixes
by Simon ini thought i'd spend some time cleaning up the forum code and wanted to let you know about some of the recent changes and fixes:.
the avatars and in-post images used to use a separate imaging service which was convenient but didn't provide much control over caching which meant that each day you visited the site you were probably re-downloading those images again.
as they are immutable they can be cached for a long time which saves bandwidth and speeds things up.
LOL @ immutable. wonder how many get what that means :)
What is it going to take for her to wake up? 2016 convention was the biggest display of B.I.T.E
by goingthruthemotions inso i went to the convention this past weekend.
not, because i wanted to....but, because i had no choice.. i took myself and our son's out walking every chance i had, i made it so we missed the bunker video, the drama, the stupid dream squashing video with the violin.. but, while in there sitting.
one of the speakers said this:.
Tips cap back at Giordano.
Funny wife thinks I'm a genius when it comes to some of these points. I laugh tell her to come here and find another 1000 just like me or better. If you were ever really "in" the liklihood of doing intense obsessive research on the way "out" is very high.
What is it going to take for her to wake up? 2016 convention was the biggest display of B.I.T.E
by goingthruthemotions inso i went to the convention this past weekend.
not, because i wanted to....but, because i had no choice.. i took myself and our son's out walking every chance i had, i made it so we missed the bunker video, the drama, the stupid dream squashing video with the violin.. but, while in there sitting.
one of the speakers said this:.
- Hand her a bible ask her to take you to the place where Jesus explained overlapping generations or makes any reference to the fact that a generation was longer than a generation of the time which is clearly outlined at the beginning of Matthew. Give you a hint its about 48 years.
- Ask her to open up Acts 15. The go to chapter to support the governing body. Ask if this was the first century gb then why were the Pharisees speaking. Why did they have a voice.
- In that same chapter ask how it is that the governing body operated there while Paul who was in Antioch at the time of this chapter hadn't been to Jerusalem in years. James too had to travel there.
- In that same chapter, Acts 15 again ask how it is that the murmurers that were clamoring for Gentiles to get circumcised came from the land of Judea where Jerusalem (where the gb supposedly operated) was centered. Could it be the apostles who certainly wouldn't have been summoned by the gb but rather would have led it could have been going to Jerusalem/Judea to correct the problem? If yes then there is no such thing as a governing body.
- If Matthew 24:36 indicates that no one knows the day or the hour, not even the son, then how is it that the organization said that Jehovah's day would culminate in 1914 - The time is at Hand p. 101 (1907). Why would Jehovah direct his channel to lie to his sheep?
There are just so many things. You don't need an apostate site or what they might see as that. You need only common sense and the society's publications. The following video talks about some of these things...
Political Correctness
by snugglebunny ini think i'm just ornery when it comes to equality.
ever since i can remember, i've always believed that all people were created equal.
the colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me.
If PC mean "Polite and Compassionate" we'd all be better off. What I mean is this. If you are simply polite and compassionate to another's situation good things usually happen.
Being PC can go too far and ultimately be controlling. Why do we have to agree? Why can't we just appreciate the other perspective and be generally polite about it. However it shouldn't mean that I must change my opinion.
For those that feel they can just say what they want whenever they want that usually works out for them until their on the other end of the offensive comment.