I'd stick a letter on the reverse side of the bloodcard with my real request, nulling the document. A simple 'P.T.O. FOR IMPORTANT ALLERGIC REACTION INFO' would be stuck on the front just so they don't miss it and then voila, all is revealed on the back!
JoinedPosts by Skedaddle
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
The Effects Of Instant Information At Your Finger Tips How Will The Watchtower Ever Survive Very Long?
by Brokeback Watchtower init is hard to teach that the earth is flat these day do to a more informed society, and now that we have entered the information age i see a whole new ball game is before a rather ignorant bunch of old farts called the governing body.
these guys are totally ignorant by choice and are trying desperately to keep their captive's ignorant for as long as possible.
the gb's internet apperances are all laughable to any sane individual and a total embarasement.
Hey, who's side are you on Island Man? Stop giving the enemy advice please!
No, according to America’s National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC)
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/america-decides-is-the-hot-dog-a-sandwich-or-not-a6726656.htmlA sandwich consists of two pieces of bread with a filling. A hotdog is one piece of bread with a slit in it and filling.
You owe me 2 minutes of life!
Any other teenagers on here?
by BlackWolf ini'm 16 and it seems like most the people on this forum are adults.
i would think since most teenagers have tablets/smartphones there would be more on here but maybe not?
it would be nice to meet some other young people.
Hey Dis3 I see you've just joined up so a big welcome. You might want to mention what username your mum has to Blackwolf. Everyone needs to stay safe on here, ok honey. Have fun
After 50 years Zealous Service, My Elder Friends goes Inactive
by James Jack ini asked him what happened.
he said "him and his wife lived a full theocratic life for jehovah.
doing everything the organization and the traveling brothers told them to do, like work part time, regular pioneer, serve where the need is great.
I'm struggling to understand how this organization has been allowed and is still allowed to exist legally. It literally steals peoples lives and causes horrendous damage. It's the weirdest charitable organization I ever came across. It preys on people with good intentions like a cancer. It literally does not give a rat's ass about anyone other than to make sure everyone is enslaved to serve the so-called purpose of a loving organization.
Where are the retirement homes huh? With all your property you'd think you could manage to build some retirement homes for the elderly who are living on rations and stay cold in their beds because they can't afford heating as they have NOTHING to live on after a life of unpaid service... it never mentions it. Like this problem doesn't exist. But don't complain just wait on Jehovah. Yeah, don't embarrass us or we'll make you feel guilty for telling us you have no food! If someone had a brain in that Watchtower they'd realize they need to start playing the long game if they want to survive. Instead they remain as a seedy little pyramid, death cult, property scheme. 8.2 million members in 140 years is a total joke! A JOKE! You don't even offer your own members a hot meal! What kind of joke are these people???? arrrgh!
My heart weeps in my burning rage.
Very Weird Experience During Recent Special Talk After Memorial
by Tenacious inhesitantly i attended this talk with my family and sat through it without batting an eye.. mentally i take myself out during the entire meeting some would describe this as daydreaming or zoning out.
whatever the case may be, for some reason this particular speaker, whom i know of but not personally, got my attention the way he would say certain phrases.
he cited some texts that directly advised the audience that faith in christ was the only way to salvation.
@Theoldhag - who are you? I see you pop up every now and again with really nasty comments. Normally I notice that everyone just ignores you so I won't give you too much of my time but what's your deal? Are you still in? A sympathizer? Drunk? -
Any other teenagers on here?
by BlackWolf ini'm 16 and it seems like most the people on this forum are adults.
i would think since most teenagers have tablets/smartphones there would be more on here but maybe not?
it would be nice to meet some other young people.
I'm sure there's loads of teenage JW's out there like yourself BlackWolf looking to socialize with others the same age - why not start something up and bring them to you - that could be really popular?! Maybe you can find some younger ones on exjw reddit? -
Very Weird Experience During Recent Special Talk After Memorial
by Tenacious inhesitantly i attended this talk with my family and sat through it without batting an eye.. mentally i take myself out during the entire meeting some would describe this as daydreaming or zoning out.
whatever the case may be, for some reason this particular speaker, whom i know of but not personally, got my attention the way he would say certain phrases.
he cited some texts that directly advised the audience that faith in christ was the only way to salvation.
Sounds like he may be awake... interesting. Maybe you should make friends - tell him you enjoyed the talk and his prayer. See what comes of the conversation. -
According to the Bible, GB is committing an unforgivable sin
by elbib in“the soul that does something deliberately [footnote says “with uplifted hand”] whether he is native or an alien resident, he speaking abusively of jehovah’s word, in that case that soul should be cut off from among his people.” (numbers 15:30).
according to this verse, acting with “high-handedness” and “speaking abusively of jehovah’s word” constitute disfellowshipping offence.
1) “high-handedness” is something that jws themselves silently experience from jb, hence require no witness or proof.
3) By teaching that God Almighty felt ‘challenged and taunted’ by one of His own creatures is “sinning against holy spirit” which according to Jesus is an unforgivable sin in this system of things and in that to come. (Mathew 12:32)
Last night's talk re sisters wearing head covering, puke making!
by purrpurr indear sisters,.
when you are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a jw penis you must take care to show the proper respect for it!
doesn't matter if said penis is prepubescent!
@purrpurr - thank you! I cried laughing!
OP of the week!