- Don Alden Adams, director since 2000, president since 2000
- Danny L. Bland, director since 2000
- William F. Malenfant, director since 2000, vice-president since 2000
- Robert W. Wallen, director since 2000, vice-president since 2000
- Philip D. Wilcox, director since 2000
- John N. Wischuk, director since 2000
These people run the mothership regarding all financials of the business and you can read about the set-up on this link;
Don Adams is one of, if not the longest serving witness out of the lot of them including the GB members who it appears are just seven puppets who front the cult. Don Adams is an interesting read... he seems to have held a very privileged position for a JW for a very long time. His brother is VP on another arm of the org. Apparently he likes to just zoom in and out about 5 times a year to the HQ. I'd love to know the size of his house and other details about his family connections but there's not much info at all online about him.