At the end of the day, jdubs do not steal peoples lives. Individuals choose to follow a set of beliefs.
I was born-in and so are many others. My young brain was brainwashed before I knew of any other notion. Where was my choice?
Individuals choose to shun family members. Individuals choose to withhold blood related medical treatment. Very painful i know but this is where personal accountability comes in and why it is so important to either get out completely and/or actively work at helping others to get out.
JW's shun people and refuse blood after they are brainwashed. I never heard of a new JW or a non-JW say oh, shunning is a very reasonable thing to do and the no-blood policy is no biggy, tell me where to sign. BRAINWASHING and emotional manipulation happens first.
Religeous freedome is extremely important. Even more important though is the ability to question and rebel against religion.
Religious freedom is a seperate issue to what defines a credible religion. A religion, who's members are not afforded said freedom to leave, who's brainwashing techniques and hushing about certain beliefs that get drip-fed in time are used in order to attract and retain followers, is not a credible religion, it's a fraud and as such should be challenged by the government to change before being banned. You think that's harsh? My government is paying the bill for the clean-up operation for each member that is damaged by said religion that's tricked them, with tax-payer money. A religion that is brainwashing members into not working, not getting a good education, asking for excessive and expensive medical proceedures, not partaking in society, not following certain laws, not letting it's members talk to non-believers, ostracisizing ex members etc. causes a huge burden on tax-payers and a damage to society cohesion - Tax-payers which the government represents. I have no problem with people believing whatever they want to but when damage is caused by misrepresentation and emotional blackmail and brainwashing, that is a threat and needs dealing with for the very country that is supposedly free, would be sustaining an environment for a suppressive regime with no limitations if not. While you may pussy-foot around your rights, leaders are dealing with religion being used as a weapon against the peacefulness of their country. It's not always about the individual. Sometimes it's about fighting for survival of the group. So leaders should have the right to question and rebel against a damaging religion that's a burden on society. I hope I've made sense.