Well it's hard to believe, but Trump has already started negotiations to stop the war in Ukraine, and Putin and Zelnsky are wanting to stop fighting also. It was always the Biden Democratic party that wanted to keep killing innocent people for money and power. It's amazing how some people wanted the Democratic party to continue in their evil rule.These people that wanted this are just as liable for all the hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths of men, women, and children as the party itself.
If Europe wants to continue the war, they will do it without the USA. Trump has said he will do everything possible to not get the young kids of American sent to fight the wars of corrupt politicians. And the tax payers monies will stay in America for American Citizens.
That's why if you are parent with Children, you want Trump for President instead of Harris.Biden and Harris started the war and Harris would have continued it for another four years and probably get our young kids drafted and sent to die.
In the meantime Biden is trying to lock in American to continue funding the war for years and years with taxpayer monies by signing a contract with European nations, before Trump is sworn in. Hopefully Congress and the Supreme Court will stop him.