It’s just the same in many other religions there are many who
do Not believe it is true
So your entire belief system is based on what THE CROWD does or
doesn’t do! The ideology you ascribe to reflects idiocy.
“Stupidity has been described as a powerful and destructive
force that permeates individuals as well as society, and poses a far
Greater Danger than evil itself. The reason being is because evil can
be resisted using reason and moral Principles.
But Stupidity is virtually invulnerable to rational
“Stupidity manifest itself as Active resistance to Critical
Thinking and a conscious refusal to analyze One’s
own actions, ideas, and their consequences.”
“Such a person is unwilling to reflect doubt, or put his beliefs
to the test. Unlike evil, which can be curbed through argument and
persuasion, Stupidity is not intellectually amenable. It
stubbornly resists awareness and shows no capacity for correction and
"This pernicious way of thinking that you have embraced, is
embodied in the historical realities of authoritarian regimes,
especially in the heyday of Nazism. Where Ordinary citizens with
an ideology like yours, became the corner stone for the success of
“The refusal to critically analyze and question the
infallibility of authority, allowed the Nazi machine to commit
atrocities on a grand scale without equal in our modern times. The
destructive power of the genocide committed by the Nazi Regime lay
not in the power of the regime itself,
But Rather in the lack of
resistance on the part of people who lost their sensitivity to moral
and intellectual demands.”
And this is why the Watchtower will continue to be the cause for
many-many more innocent children to be sexually abuse. Because elders who wake up to all the atrocities the Watchtower is committing, continue to serve as elders for a corporation who continues to destroy hundreds if not thousands of children's lives.
It’s now easier than ever. There’s no real sacrifice and
no real obligations just all the good things.
The blood doctrine for example seems to be getting a lot
lighter compared to in the past
Regardless of what you say, hundreds of Mothers, Fathers, and
underage children World Wide, will continue to commit suicide this
year, unknowingly because “Elders” have to enforce the Blood
doctrine because it’s still valid if you want to be a Jehovah
“You are like Adolf Eichmann. Hannah Arendt
(a German Historian) said that the worst evil in modern society does
not necessarily come from “the most evil or monstrous individuals,
but rather from the ordinariness of those who commit terrible
acts without thinking of the consequences.”
“Ordinary people become agents of evil through blind obedience
and the suppression of critical thinking”
“According to Arendt, Adolf Eichmann who was one of the Key
Organizers of the Holocaust, was not particular evil, he appeared as
an ordinary human devoid of moral reflection who thoughtlessly
carried out Orders without regard to the Humans suffering his orders
would inflict on millions of innocent humans.”
In the end, Adolf Eichmann kept insisting that
he had no authority in the Nazi hierarchy and was only following
He kept trying to pursue the judges that he was trying to lessen
the pain the Nazi regime was inflicting on the innocent victims.
He tried to defend his actions with some of the Good he did for
the victims. Even trying to lessen the punishment for many like you
claim you do as an elder dealing with Jws in judicial committees.
The judges saw the hypocrisy and had him executed.
You can’t be Awake and willingly continue to be an Elder and
say you are not as responsible for all the evil the Watchtower does.
You can’t pretend you are helping people. You are part the of
reason the Watchtower continues to exist. You will be part of the
reason many will die this year because of not accepting a blood
transfusion. You will be part of the machinery, that will rape,
sodomize, dehumanize, hundreds of children this year and get away
with it.
You are Morally deficient. You lack the ability to adhere to
accepted moral norms or values.