I wonder if part of that 'feeling' is the unintended pleasure of having social contanct and being part of a group/herd. Man actually is a 'herd/pack' animal.
Our situation is that our livlyhood (dairy farmers) kept us really close to home and on a rigid schedule 24/7. Now we are retired and I find myself without any real social contacts. Hubby has 'friends' through farming, guys that rent our land, mechanics, parts people, fuel delivery people, etc.
But I was either in the barn working or in the house preparing meals and cleaning up afterword. I realize now that I have no friends...... mainly because I really was not a friend to anyone..... and it's my very own fault.
So I have seriously been considering going to our local Unitarian 'church' just for the social contact, even though I am an Apathetic Agnostic.
I would not be seeking any 'spiritual enrichment', simply social contact/meeting other people.