JoinedPosts by talley
Dallas Crawfest 2005 Chat now available!!!
by Elsewhere insince many people are not able to attend the 2005 dallas crawfest, i have setup a special chat room that will allow everyone to "participate at a distance".
to use the crawfest chat room, go to:
communications regarding the crawfest can be sent to:
Just read Crisis of Conscience!
by inquirer in...well except for the appendix.
i felt i didn't need to!
this book is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
~ I don't feel (any longer) of having a bad conscience. Ray explains everything.
That is exactly what I thought after reading and then reasoning on the content of CofC! It felt as if a great weight was lifted from my shoulders, a weight I was not really aware of, but a weight that was dragging me down nevertheless. Ray's book was a real 'end game breakthrough' for me.
As to the review, I recall many bragging statements from the platforms and magazines about how JW's have suffered persecution going back to the time of Christ, which, by the way, was long before Ray's C of C.
Quick help please! - Euthanizing our cat
by AlmostAtheist inhey all,.
we have to decide in the next hour or so, so a quick response would be appreciated!.
the vet says that our 13-year-old cat is suffering.
I'm so very sorry that you have lost two "family members" now. Here is a poem from that has given me a bit of comfort.
If It Should Be If it should be that I grow frail and weak
An pain should keep me from my sleep
Then you must do what must be done
For this, the last battle, cannot be won.You will be sad, I understand
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day, more than the rest
Your love and friendship stand the test.We've had so many happy years
What is to come can hold no fears
Would not want me to suffer so
When the time comes please let me go.Take me where my needs they'll tend
Only, stay with me to the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.I know in time you will see
It is a kindness you do to me
Although my tail its last has waved
From pain and suffering I have been saved.Don't grieve it should be you
Who has to decide this thing to do
We've been so close we two these years
Don't let your heart hold any tears.So I am glad, not that she's gone
But that this earth she roamed and lived upon
Was my earth, too, that I had closely known
And loved her and that my love I'd shown.Tears over her departure?
Nay - a smile
That I had walked with her a little while.Author - unknown
Ananias And Sapphira, what's the deal? (Leo? Nark?)
by AlmostAtheist inwhat's the deal with the ananias and sapphira story from acts 5?
i understand that they were killed for lying, not for being greedy, but the lie was a fairly petty charge to lose their lives over.
i love that in the story they managed to prepare the husband for burial and bury him before the wife happens to show up.
I think the only deal with Ananias & Sapphira was that some power hungery, and maybe even money hungery men inserted this story into the 'Bible Cannon' to solidify their power over the 'masses'.
The above is simply a 'fairy tale' just like most of the Bible. The story that did it for me was Cain & Able. Looking at that one with logic (brain engaged), that god is not one I wish to worship or seek his 'favor'. He talks to and protects murderes and does nothing to protect the innocent. Nope, not my type of god.
Solomon was right, the only true statement in the "Bible": 'everything is vanity and a striving after wind, and there is nothing of advantage under the sun.'....
Television Show on the Jehovah's Witnesses on February 7th
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
just a reminder that there will be a television show tomorrow night at 7 pm central time (usa) on the eternal word television network about the jws.. i will be giving my story of how i was raised as a jehovah's witness, served time at bethel, was a pioneer etc.
i am a catholic now.. in any case, the show is live.
Hurting so bad here in Ohio...don't know where to turn to
by FreedomFrog indoes anyone know of a forum i can go to to get lots of support?
cheeko's death has hit me pretty hard.
i'm looking for a forum for ones who have lost close pets.
FreedomFrog, I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Cheeko.
Please try the again when you get a chance. It was up and working just now for me, and I noticed that they have a message board and chat room, along with memorial ceremonies,and the lovely story of the Rainbow Bridge.
Below is my signature line on two Labrador boards that I frequent. I have felt this way before, during, and after my time in the WTBTS.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." author Unknown
by Valis intime for an avatar change i tell you!
sincerely, .
district overbeer of the "evil jebus" class
Orangefatcats Surgery
by orangefatcat inwell yesterday i saw the surgeon, with regards to my left hip and because it is so advanced with osteoarthritis and is crumbling the doctor says my surgical date is march the 3rd.
he said also he may have a cancellation for feburary and i may be able to have that day.
of march.
Viewpoint from a non-JW
by undercover ini let a friend who has no connections with jws read the 1983 watchtower excerpts where the wts warns jws to avoid independant thinking and then i let him read the 1984 awake article on being open-minded.
here are his thoughts, paraphrased:.
1. the wt statements on avoiding independant thinking are "borderline fascist".. 2. it's obvious that the wt comments on independant thinking are aimed at jws; he said it read like an "inter-office memo" telling people who are jws, no more thinking for you, we'll do it all for you.. 3. it's obvious that the awake article is aimed at non-jws, maybe for people who are thinking about joining.
I've had it....
by Country_Woman inyesterday evening my dog got an epileptic attack - peeing all over the tapestry and almost glueing at the floor with the foam at his mouth (it is very hard to remove).
after the attack he wanted to "walk" pacing up the room (and backyard) for a long time.. .
this night he was whining a lot - wanting outside... (which i allowed for at least 5 times - thus having not much sleep myself).