Monday evening I watched a program on The National Geographic Channel about the life cycle (birth, life, aging, and death) of stars. The sun that our earth depends upon for heat and light is a star, not a unique one, but simply a star too that is going through a 'life cycle'.
'Our' sun is now reaching 'maturity' and will/is gradually growing hotter and hotter as it grows older and older, having the same effect (gradual warming) on all the planets in it's influence - that means our earth too. So this earth's warming is an eventuality that will come about no matter what 'man' does or does not do.
it's happening right now, how will you respond?
My personal response will be to make sure that where ever I live, I will be sure to chose a spot that is at least 50 feet above sea level. As mankind has absolutely no control over the sun, the only option open is to adapt to these changes - live with them/compensate - for as long as mankind can.