We say: Take your medication!
That reminds me- I've got to take my medication
Thanks, Jan
the things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
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We say: Take your medication!
That reminds me- I've got to take my medication
Thanks, Jan
the things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
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justa surfin!
That's pretty much the definition of how science is supposed to approach everything
Key Phrase: "is supposed to"
So, why the hey ain't they applied that to the Martian anomalies?
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Since the report was submitted in 1961, I'm not sure exactly why you thought it relevant to this discussion at all
Oh please, Six
Let's not be hypocritical here, now.
We've used Watchtower literature pre-1961, here on this board to show "current" thinking... huh?
"Old Light" which first appeared as "New Light", which has not been superceded by "New Light", is STILL "New Light"... or so the Kult Rules implicitly state.
There's nothing out there superceding the Brookings Report.
Sure, the US Government (and other governments) would withhold information from the public, and would be the Arbiter Of Deciding What's Good for everyone, and would spoonfeed the populace mushy babyfood to keep them pacified and more controllable... hey! ...whaddaya know ...JUST like The Kult does!
If you can find a conspiracy, or even the birth of a conspiracy of silence in that report, Black Helicoptors really are following you around.
the things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
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why does it matter who gets spooked?
Six, babe, I'm with you on that!
Why?, indeed.
But tell THAT to the Guvmint who ordered the study from The Brookings Institution.
I think it has more to do with "Control Of The Masses"...
kinda like kult thinking,
and I would dare say that there are government leaders who are every bit as Korrupt and Power Hungry and Lying-SOBs as those who "ruled" our favorite religion.
Btw, I am reading "the demon haunted world" right now. Sagan sounded as skeptical as a person could possibly be about the mars face in that book.
Keep reading. Sagan remained skeptical about the mars face. He and Hoagland had a years-long running battle (they were friends) about the origin of the mars face, but in the end, before Sagan Slipped Into That Void, he made a "concession" in his book, that at the very least, the mars face should be taken seriously by the scientific community, and then, after honest scientific inquiry, if it proved to be a natural formation OR an artificial construct... then let the chips fall where they may.
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Just so I'll know, what exactly would be a credible reason to suppress any information regarding a "face" on mars?Keyword is credible.
this is an (in)"credible reason" :
* http://www.enterprisemission.com/brooking.html
of course, it is ONLY as Credible as you consider The Brookings Institute and its Scientific Findings, "credible".
(pssssst, the Brookings scientists were afraid that discovery of alien artifacts in our "backyard" would spOOk the Fundies of the world... now, YOU wouldn't be spOOked by such a discovery, would you Six?)
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Do you really want to get personal and nasty with me, TomT?
Jan, you're pulling my leg, arn'....... heeeeyyyy, wade-a-minit!
You thought I was talking about YOU!!??
No Way!
'Hoagland' not 'Haugland', Richard Hoagland - Mars Enigmas Investigator Extraordinaire!
Now, I don't know if you were pulling my leg, 'cause the appropriate smiley faces did not appear...
Hell, Jan, we've argued for years and we're still buds... and I can personally attest to your Gigantic Humility!
lets dance, we have added "wt letters" section to the website.
it will offer a new letter each week added to a list with an introduction.
read the introduction, click to view the letter and see if it answers the questions.
I am not, have never been, and have no intention of ever being a member of the WT legal staff.
shuuuuur, Poke Khop... that what they all say
the things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
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And since Sagan's death,NASA has released better raw data,images,that show it's a natural geological formation.
Tina, nawwwww, NASA has been 'gettin' jiggy wit'it' concerning those Mars face images... now, if they had left the images - R A W - instead of filtering and processing the hell out of them, and let the public and Anchorman Dannyboy Rather see the RAW images, then THAT would've been a Hell Of A Lot Better.
'Course there are a lot of other Martian images out there which fairly beg for artificiality.
I've been to Skeptical Inquirer's online site many times, reading, and have taken their magazines years ago... and cannot agree with everything they say (cannot disagree with everything they put out, either), but especially do I disagree with their position on the Mars Enigmas.
That link ianao just supplied was as good a Rebuttal of SI's position as you'll get... if you can overlook Hoagland's ego... but heeyy, you had to overlook Carl Sagan gigantic ego, too.
So, Tina, we're gonna have to disagree on this one...
! ! !
Our FIRST Disagreement!
I sure hope this doesn't affect our longtime friendship.
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There is no face on mars,etc.
Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...[...]
y'know, Sagan, practically on his deathbed, in his last book "Demon-Haunted World", did admit that the martian face mystery deserved serious scientific scrutiny and research... this, after he had ridiculed it for years.
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Now Jan,
alls I done did was ask questions. ...
You'll notice I did not make any scientifically dogmatic statements.
Y'know, really, I'm hoping, that concerning this whole Mars mystery, I'm really hoping that the Honest scientists will win out over those who are suppressing/altering/tampering with, the discoveries which have been or will be made.
The NASA-released image of the martian "face" (okay, I'll put 'face' encased in quotation marks)... taken by the Mars Global Surveyor probe, was clearly tampered with before released to the public.
WHY is that, Jan?
What did you think of Dr. Mark Carlotto's research? (I supplied link)
Do you put him in that "conspiracy theorist" class?