Where's Tom Talley? -searchfothetruth
Yeah, Search. Where IS he??
SEARCH,TT is deleted!
Schpanner, schtill using that Kult Terminology?
The "pure" language??
Hey, I wasn't just deleted, I wuz ERASED!
I was Schimonized!
Why was Tom Talley deleted?Anyone?
Or has he been disfellowshipped from the forum!
Yeah, good point, Search.
WHY was Tom Talley given the ol' bum's rush?
WHAT were the charges against him?
He was bound to have been GUILTY of Gross Wrongdoing!
Was his Everlasting Posting decided in some Star Chamber Meeting?
Is he going to Appeal the Judicial Decision?
Nawwww, he wasn't DF'ed from the forum.
He's going to decide WHEN to Disengage.
He is about to Disassociate in a few more sentences time
because this place reminds him of his former Kult too much.
(Tom Talley never knew WHY he was disfellowshipped
from the Watchtowerkult back in 1992. He never knew the charges
against him... after 20 Freekin' Years in the WatchtowerFamily,
no one bothered to even tell him WHAT he was supposed to have done,
and what do you know- THIS "brotherhood" is JUST as shoddy and shabby...
'course we know that there are a few good apples still here
amongst all the rotten eggs)
Hey, Tom T can apply for reinstatement after awhile, right?-ThiChi
I'll do that right after I apply for reinstatement to the WTKult.
Before I sally forth, I've wondered WHY in the world would
you put up a picture of a fine instrument like a Hofner
juxtaposed beside all your trashy, ignorant dribbles?
Most kurious.
Did you think it would make YOU look/seem better?
Tom Tally kept on exposing me for my Hypocrisy and was deleted. -Schimon Gren
You schtill using the Kult terminology too, huh?
Schimonize, you're not only a Hypocrite-
as Dave Letterman would say:
"You're a Pinhead, too!"
And you can't fire me.
"Take your forum and Shove It!
I ain't posting here no more."(to quote Johnny Paykheck)
I'll decide when to leave and I just did.
I just dropped in momentarily to Disassociate myself
from your Online Organization.
Now, I've got to go find that ass-kicking machine
which I used on myself for wasting 20 years in the Watchtowerkult,
because of - A L L - the time I wasted here.
: : s i g h ! : :
Won't Tom Talley EVER learn?
Yes, I think he has finally recovered his FOCUS.
Scho Long, Schimon, you schtanky Brit, you!