JoinedTopics Started by Tammie
save dogs from vivisection in Brazil
by Tammie ini got the following email:.
(names/emailaddresses removed).
this petition is not in english but we all know what vivisection (surgery performed on a living animal in medical reserch) involves so please show your support against it by signing this petition.
Who has seen the JFK movie?
by Tammie ini watched it for the very first time on cable a couple nights ago.
i had not seen it up till this point because before i really was not intrested.
that was until i had talked with one of the techinal advisers of this movie.
I have a legal question
by Tammie ini am working on a legal paper for guardianship for my children.
in the event that something happens to me and my husband i don't want any of our jw relatives to get their grubby hands on them.
any way on this paper it ask a question.
Irritating JW relatives
by Tammie init's been a very long time since i posted anything here.
its been a very busy time around my house.
this last christmas i went in for emergancy surgary.
UnDisfellowshipped, hubby knows Richard Fowler
by Tammie ini tried to reply to your post, but that part was not on my computer screen.
so i replying to you here.. my husband and i knew a joe and shirly (not sure if i correctly spelled her name) fowler.
and he also knew richard and joyce fowler, of arkansas.
Guess who called Sunday morning
by Tammie insome time around 7 am, my mother in law calls.
hubby answers.
we were still asleep.
Fashion Disaster Bandit Is Foiled
by Tammie inhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/06/29/national/main210843.shtml
edmonton, alberta - a crudely disguised man wielding a samurai sword burst into a canadian jehovah's witness church and tried to rob 65 congregation members before he was foiled by one who used his cell phone to alert police, authorities said.
police responded quickly and arrested the man after convincing him to drop the two-foot blade in the incident late tuesday at a northeast edmonton jehovah's witness kingdom hall, police spokesman dean parthenis said.
Cardboard Cops
by Tammie instrange news - ap lithuania deploys cardboard cops tue sep 3, 3:52 pm et .
vilnius, lithuania (ap) - lithuania this week launched a novel program to deal with a shortage of traffic police: it's cut new ones out of cardboard and propped them up on the side of streets to scare motorists into slowing down.
ap photo .
I got a short letter from mom today.
by Tammie inlast week i sent a bunch of photos to mom.
today i got a short letter from her.
kinda floored me, never expected to hear from her.