If this is about JW related issues, then STOP TALKING ABOUT GEORGE BUSH, AND ALL THAT IS GOING ON IN THE WOLD. Sheesh bite my head off will you.
JoinedPosts by Tammie
save dogs from vivisection in Brazil
by Tammie ini got the following email:.
(names/emailaddresses removed).
this petition is not in english but we all know what vivisection (surgery performed on a living animal in medical reserch) involves so please show your support against it by signing this petition.
save dogs from vivisection in Brazil
by Tammie ini got the following email:.
(names/emailaddresses removed).
this petition is not in english but we all know what vivisection (surgery performed on a living animal in medical reserch) involves so please show your support against it by signing this petition.
I got the following email:
(names/emailaddresses removed)this petition is not in English but we all know what vivisection (surgery performed on a living animal in medical reserch) involves so please show your support against it by signing this petition. (Just make up a number for the ID.)
>Subject: save dogs from vivisection in Brazil
>This last week an important reaction took place in Brazil against vivisection, especially now that the city administrators began to donate stray dogs for medicine classes. A big demonstration (500 people, unusual number if you consider that abandonned animals is th issue) took place today in front of Santa Casa Hospital in São Paulo, where classes with the killing of healthy dogs started last week. There is a site about today's event: www.manifestacaoanimal.kit.net .
>There is also a Petition in http://www.petitiononline.com/vida/petition.html that has already collected over 1500 signatures in 3 days. I ask your help in order to increase this number. Can you spread it around your friends? We have got signatures from other countries too, as you can see in the lists. In the field where an ID number is asked, you can write "american citizen", or "italian", or whatever.
>Thank you, -
Who has seen the JFK movie?
by Tammie ini watched it for the very first time on cable a couple nights ago.
i had not seen it up till this point because before i really was not intrested.
that was until i had talked with one of the techinal advisers of this movie.
I watched it for the very first time on cable a couple nights ago. I had not seen it up till this point because before I really was not intrested. That was until I had talked with one of the techinal advisers of this movie.
I watched it when it came on very late, and after the children were asleep. Towards the end of this movie I was very glad I did, because there were some very graphic seens in the film. They showed pictures of JFK after he had been shot. And even showed footages, one I had never seen, that was of him being shot. For any who has already seen this movie, were those actual photos?
After seeing this movie, I really wished I had not. Was not expecting to see that much detail. -
Marriage Problem
by voxel ini am a "worldly" person, not of any religion and am soon to be marrying a long-term disfellowshipped jehovahs witness.
she has not been of the religion for over a decades time and seemingly her immediate family has accepted this through the years.
we've traveled across country together so she could introduce her family to me and have not had any problems.
I have learned that when it comes to talking to JW relatives, is almost the same as talking to a brick wall. My husband and I have been officially out 2 years now. My mother is just now starting to speak to me again, and this is only after a friend, a fellow JW, spoke to her.
The bible says that when a man and woman marries they become one. I don't know about the rest of the folks here, but it was only after we left was when we finally got left alone to work through our marrage. My JW relatives and in-laws are very controlling, and usually butted in, when they shoulded have backed off.
If you and your soon to be wife truly do love each other, that is what will get you through. I have also learned that if my husband and I could not be who we truly are, then we were very unhappy. I also know the pain of a relative not showing up for my wedding. My father refused to show up and walk me down the isle. He is not a JW, it was that he just hated the man that I was marrying. He would have hated any one that I chose as my husband.
I don't know where the scripture is at, but there is one that talks about a sin if you don't agree to something, and do it anyway. She has made a personal decision, not to be a JW years ago. And I'm sure that decision is one that has made her happy with her life.
I hope things work out for you and her. But to me it sounds like her JW relatives are trying to play the controle game on her and you.
Ever Met A Guy/Girl At A JW Convention?
by Latin assassin from Manhattan inhave you ever met a single guy/girl at a jw convention, and thought so highly of him/her until you really found out what they were like?
I did not meet at single JW (others than I already knew) at the conventions. But where I did find them was at the KH builds. That was how I met my hubby. I had also had two boyfriends, and four others that did ask me out from KH builds, but I turned them down. Because when I did meet my hubby, he did not mess around, before asking me to marry him. That was 10 years ago, and we are still very happy and going strong. It even got better when we left the JW's together.
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Let me try this again. Hope it works.
Hope this works. If it does not. Then you can see it here. To see the color version scroll down to
Here is the color version
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Worked on a color version.
Lying Experiences at Assemblies.
by ninecharger inat assemblies shining examples are trundled out to reel off their "encouraging" stories.
over the years there were many examples where i knew the people concerned, and wanted to vomit because they were telling a load of lies or at best half truth.
(why are we not surprised?
A young sister was on the assembly platform talking about how she finished school in just a few weeks and her hearts desire was to enrol in the pioneering ranks and become regular, she was held up as an example of "youth serving Jehovah", anyhows, she left school and was disfellowshiped immediatley after for immorality.
I heard about that one also. Go figgure.
How many of you are remarried to a "WORLDLY" spouse and are HAPPIER now?
by Jessica Rabbit inmaybe i'm just lucky, but my new husband who has never even been to church treats me better than my first husband who was raised a jw.
my first husband was an alcoholic who had no respect for women.
i suffered with a lot of verbal and emotional abuse.if i wasn't in a romantic mood, then there was something wrong with me.
Both my husband and I were JWs when we were married. But in my case, I ended up with a jewel of a man. He saw how his dad treated his mom (like crap) and decided then that he would never be like his dad. Our marrage is a true partnership, and our sex has always been very very good. But it was only after we left the JWs together did things get better. No longer did we have the JWs butting in our marrage and telling us what to do and how to raise our children.
On the other hand, hubby has a brother, who is a very much involved in the JW world. He is married to my sister, who is also very much involved in the JW world. But the way he treats her......very very bad.