Some 20 yrs. ago when I was appointed a MS the elders had a talk with us, newly appointed MS in Brooklyn. One elder I remember he told us on occasion some may talk to us about sin they committed.He stressed the importance of being quiet the whole time,and just let them talk.Don't ask questions just let them talk,otherwise you may stop them from telling all that they did.I left that meeting disillusioned as to what spy agency I belonged to.Nothing about Christ's example.
Another time,about a year after I left Bethel a bethelite showed up at my home, he had been asked to leave but he never told me.A couple weeks go by,then my PO tells me we're supposed be at this Com. meeting in Brooklyn Bethel. So we show up, Sam Friend smiles and shakes my hand, so I go around to the 2 other Bethel Elders with my hand out.THEY IGNORE ME. They Didn't even look at me,let alone shake my hand.WOW only one Christian in this group of 3 Elders. Nothing like being prejudged,I sat there thinking a Catholic Priest would be treated better.Such Wolves.The other xbethelite was df'd for good reason,however I guess they thought they had the goods on me but they didn't. I later called his old Cong. they told me he was Schizo.