Why not describe the period that Jonah spent in the belly of the fish, did it smell, did the fish take you to other land, did you happen to meet others in your stay and did you ever eat fish after your ride..
Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of the whale right ? how many times did he have to take a piss , or a crap for that matter ,did he drink fresh water while their ?, where did that come from ,? and what did he eat.?
Another one
The story of Samson has to be a fictional story too does`it ? A man who gets his strength from the length of his hair ? JW`s frown on brothers who have long hair.!
Samson gets 300 foxes and takes torches tale to tale and sets them alight and sent them out into the fields of the philistines
To burn their fields down .
The logistics of getting 300 foxes from miles around and then getting them to sit quietly while you tie their tales together and then set fire to them (remember we are talking about 300 foxes from miles around ) and then set them off into the fields of the philistines.