The first study article introduces the 2018 Year Text Isa. 40:31 "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power"
Article "God Gives Power"
Our brothers, even those who are in poor economic situations, are like the Macedonians who were in “deep poverty” and yet begged for the privilege to give and did so generously.—2 Cor. 8: 1-4.
It never ceases to amaze me why an ALMIGHTY GOD who created everything in the Universe needs MONEY and MATERIAL THINGS from humans who in most cases can least afford it.? To finance his projects ?
Couldn`t God have provided the wealth from the earth ?such as Gold /Silver etc .to provide instead of putting the burden on the congregants ?
After all he is God Almighty isn`t he ? The ultimate Physicist /Chemistry/Scientist ?
So why would he need money and material belongings from impoverished humans to further his goals.?
Unless of course it has nothing to do with a GOD and is just an excuse for a religiion to fleece their flock of their hard earned money.