If I remember correctly the final recommendations by the ARC are to handed down by the end of this year .
Just how much of these recommendations will be adopted by the Government remains to be seen.
Remember the ARC has no power of it`s own to enforce any of it`s recommendations it can only advise the Government to do so.
Just how far the Government is willing to go down this road remains to be seen (repeated for emphasis)
As AA says some JW cases have been forwarded to the authorities to investigate ,however it wasn`t only JW`s that the ARC dealt with their were so many other institutions that were involved .
And compared to some of these other institutions the JW religion is small by comparison .
Whether they take a back seat in this ,is anybody`s guess.
As an example the R.C. Church and Cardinal George Pell the Australian in the Vatican is getting all of the attention with allegations against him and his committal hearing doesn`t come up until about March next year.
{ The R.C.Church is far more of an institution in Australian culture over the Centuries than what JW`s ever were just by sheer numbers.} and more importantly by their influence in politics and Social Justice.
And their humanitarian aids ,hospitals ,Aged Care ,Homeless ,Education ,and the disadvantaged . etc.
None of which JW`s /WT have ever done .
So I wouldn`t hold my breath about anything concrete being done about JW`s anytime soon.
Again as AA says this could drag on for years through the courts lawyers are masters at this game.
Our best bet is to keep these allegations of Child sexual abuse in the religion in the media on social media , and wherever we can and highlight it where we can.