The bible states that :
"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for"...." the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld" Heb.11:1
Looking at the "True" history of the WTB&TS and not the sanitized version Jehovah`s Witnesses like to portray nowadays ,nothing the JW`s put faith in ,in over 103 years of their prophecy`s , expectations ,whether it related to the world powers , the King of the North or the king of the South ,the United nations (which they joined for 10 years ) as the disgusting thing that causes desolation,their now acceptance of things they accused Christendom of doing such as using ATM`s for donating funds,(they never solicit for money){ excuse me while I puke} .All of the failed prophecy`s of the the End/Armageddon/great Tribulation and the end of false religion Babylon The great and the list goes on and on and on.
1914 , 1919, 1925 ,1975 ,the year 2000 ,and of course since 1914 any day soon , just around the corner ,its imminent ,in our day ,It cant be any more than 5 years away .
6000 years of human history ended in the late 18th Century
OOPS sorry ,6000 years of human history didn`t end till 1975 and that is a date that would be appropiate for Jesus Christ to start his 1000 year reign.
Excuse me , Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for ?
With Jehovah`s Witnesses it is obviously Blind Faith that they are hoping in.