If the s**t does hit the fan just tell him your PC has been highjacked and deny you had anything to do with it.
(theocratic warfare in reverse)
i haven't associated with the jws for at least 6 months.
they do not know that i am an apostate.
maybe till just now becaue i was browsing reddit and stumbled upon a story from a paper about $4000 a day fine imposed upon watchtower.
If the s**t does hit the fan just tell him your PC has been highjacked and deny you had anything to do with it.
(theocratic warfare in reverse)
taking a walk down memory lane at those looooonnnnngg, tedious conventions... .
(boy, they weren’t kidding when they spoke about being long-suffering and having endurance!).
but what were some of your convention highlights, or lowlights, from back in the day?.
Are circuit assembly` s included in this post ? Anyway I was assigned to making the tea and coffee at C.A`s
as a MS with an Elder.
One time we made coffee with milk and we burnt it of course we still dished it out and only few complained others thought it was the best coffee ever.
I also got known by one Elder as The "T" man
For any Australian who might be interested this Elder was featured in a TV show called "Whose Life is it Anyway"
on ABC TV. a few years back (nothing to do with the religion but I thought very interesting since I know him personally)
If anybody is interested PM me.
taking a walk down memory lane at those looooonnnnngg, tedious conventions... .
(boy, they weren’t kidding when they spoke about being long-suffering and having endurance!).
but what were some of your convention highlights, or lowlights, from back in the day?.
I must have been getting near the end of my tether with the religion at a convention in Lang Park in Qld Aust., to go to a pub and watch the Grand final of an AFL match while my wife & children were with "friends" still at the convention.
It must have been my early awakenings without my realizing it.
I certainly consider it a highlight now.
because someone needs my help.. as a jw -- you can relate -- i truly believed that what everyone really needed was the kingdom hope and its eventual reality.
you know, the hope that does not lead to disappointment.
of course, if anyone needed practical help with a task or getting through some difficulty, most of us realized that was part of being a helpful and caring friend (or family member).. at nearly seventy years of age -- no, i didn't enter the promised kingdom in my healthful and vibrant youth -- my getting out of bed isn't so bad.
This is a great post CoCo ,our words can either be up-building or cutting to people depending on how vulnerable they are and how we speak to them.
Thankfully this site is supportive and comforting to those who post here as newbies.and of course oldies. .
Like all "families" sometimes after a while we may get a bit testy with each other however we don`t hold grudges.
(like somebody we all know)
And we are here to encourage each other and I think we do that exceedingly well on this board.
Take care CC
what is this world coming to?.
it seems like everyone is being accused of sexual improprieties!
even porn stars like the hedgehog “.
Why else do you hold doors for people?
So you can whack them on the way out ? if their arseholes that is.
dear brothers and sisters,.
considering the end is so near at hand we thought it important for to reiterate that it's absolutely impossible to prove god's "one true organisation" wrong.
there is nothing on heaven or earth that could ever be shown to be false or incorrect in our entire .
Jehovah`s Witnesses have been preaching "This Good News Of The Kingdom " for well over a hundred years ?
Well you could have fooled me.! I was a JW for 33 years preaching from D2D most of that time .
I was always following the directions of the Society as to what was to be highlighted that month and when I stop and think about it ,it was never about the good news of the Kingdom ,it was always about some other topic that was supposed to engage the householder
.I think the beginning of my awakening was when I realized that in any given street if you asked a householder what JW`s believed it was never about the "Good News of The Kingdom" that they heard it was always about the blood issue or no voting in elections and nothing else.
That was the extent of their knowledge of Jehovah`s Witnesses .
And it puzzled me ,why after all this time preaching the average householder had no idea why we were on their doorsteps unless it was to gain converts in their view.
my stepsons, aged 12 and 13 are proud to be the first boys in their school with facial hair, and are choosing not to shave it "because it's my choice!
" much to their jw mother's chagrin.
i am so proud of them for standing up to their mother, but if they want to shave later on it's their choice.
I`m sorry but facial hair on 12 and 13 year olds ? Your kidding aren`t you ? OOPS sorry I just seen your above post
I shudder to think of the beavers on the women
jehovah's witnesses' tab for child sex abuse secrecy $2m and counting.
by trey bundy / november 16, 2017. .
Thanks for this post Barb.Trey Bundy does an excellent work in exposing JW suspect policy`s and doctrines and especially exposing their extremely poor child protection programs which are zero.
The two witness rule is a travesty of justice in this modern age that allows abusers to get away with their crimes.
Jehovah`s Witnesses are still living in the dark ages thousands of years behind the modern era.
Do they still want slavery ? That was O.K. back then .How about stoning that also was OK back then ?
Oh and so was crucifying I`m sure many JW`s would like to see that brought back again especially those they deem as apostates ,who in reality only point out the failings of WT/GB doctrines and procedures.
on another thread, undercover suggested "adam and the dinosaurs".. i came up with these:.
green bible dinosaurs.
jezebel and the fornicators.
Russell and the Ruddites
Who gives a fig about a tree.
Samson and the pillars
JC and the stakes
Eve and the snakes
A&c brothers forever.
jason worilds quits nfl to knock on doors as a jehovahs witness.. 3/19/2015.
An AFL player here in Victoria Australia threatened to leave his club to pursue his religious convictions as a JW recently. A 26 year old and an un baptised publisher.
{It doesn`t sound like he was very committed to me }
Of course his contract was about to be renewed and he didn`t leave his beloved club to become a full time JW .witnessing from D2D
And of course it didn`t have anything to do with the extra money he was offered to stay with his club over his love for Jehovah.
You do not reach this standard of play being half hearted or apathetic about the game ,you have to be full on and 100% committed to the game .And it takes years to achieve that level.
All of which goes against the JW religion ,being competitive and taking the glory away from Jehovah by making a name for yourself.
Then again I suppose we all deceived ourselves while we remained in this religion rationalizing and excusing what we knew deep down was wrong.And trying not to notice it.