OTWO ,an anti-witness is the best witness to be given.And you did give them the option to walk away.
So they asked for it.
so last weekend, the jw's ring the bell and my wife answers.
we live in a heavily spanish neighborhood but don't really speak spanish.
i thought my wife was quite clear that she is a "sister" to them, but maybe the one in charge of the group didn't get the message.
OTWO ,an anti-witness is the best witness to be given.And you did give them the option to walk away.
So they asked for it.
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
Troll,troll,troll your boat gently down the stream merrily,merrily,merrily on your way.....
i am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
Jrjw has identified herself as kas12`s mum so hopefully they can take the advice on here to post as a mother and daughter together when kas12 has questions she would like answered .
having said that welcome to you Kas12 for posting here but please do so with the supervision of your mom.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
The four corners of the earth could refer to the four points of the compass from wherever you are standing .
North,East,West and South
And that should be good news for anybody.
it`s christmas eve here in australia today and i wish all of you a very merry xmas simply because i can without being zapped , or hauled into a jc committee.. it doesn`t matter whether you are religious or not , i`m not now , however i can appreciate and respect those who do.. so whatever your views on the matter have a great day and enjoy the holidays in whatever grabs your fancy.. and if jw`s do come knocking on your door as they do this festive season wish them a merry xmas and anti-witness to them ..
Aussie Jingle Bells Christmas song,sorry I cant download it .
Worth a listen on u-tube.
Well I like it anyway
it`s christmas eve here in australia today and i wish all of you a very merry xmas simply because i can without being zapped , or hauled into a jc committee.. it doesn`t matter whether you are religious or not , i`m not now , however i can appreciate and respect those who do.. so whatever your views on the matter have a great day and enjoy the holidays in whatever grabs your fancy.. and if jw`s do come knocking on your door as they do this festive season wish them a merry xmas and anti-witness to them ..
U 2 X have a good one.
it`s christmas eve here in australia today and i wish all of you a very merry xmas simply because i can without being zapped , or hauled into a jc committee.. it doesn`t matter whether you are religious or not , i`m not now , however i can appreciate and respect those who do.. so whatever your views on the matter have a great day and enjoy the holidays in whatever grabs your fancy.. and if jw`s do come knocking on your door as they do this festive season wish them a merry xmas and anti-witness to them ..
LV101 , thank you Take care
WMUBYJH it is a special time for kids why should any body take that away from them .
take care.
i have been surprised recently to see so much support by ex-jws for the watchtower's refusal to fight and kill.
in my opinion it is a vice masquerading as a virtue.
of course war should always be a last resort but there are occasions that it has to be done.
What kind of a world today would we be living in if the USA , GB,and Australia were truly pacifists during the second world war. ?
I shudder to think
Jehovah God was never a pacifist in actual fact he was a warmonger no wonder humans created in his image like to fight wars.
Jesus Christ never came to bring peace but a sword to cause divisions in a family so by extension you divide a community and then a nation ,and then you have global conflicts.
it seemed like the society taught that somehow everyone and everything pictured the anointed class.
is that still the case?
Surely the number of 144,000 has been achieved 1,000 times over since the first century AD..
Think about it ,a football stadium can hold on average 40-60 thousand people ,here in Melbourne the MCG can hold 100,000 people for one game.In one day.
And Jehovah`s Witnesses would like to have us believe that in over 2,000 years the almighty God Jehovah still hasn`t been able to find 144,000 out of faithful men and women to obtain this number of 144,000
Their have been Billions of Christians these past 2000 years who have lived and died many of which went through persecution,torture and even death upholding their faith in God and Jesus.
And their weren`t enough of these to fill the 144,000 anointed ?
And none of these were faithful enough to of the anointed ?
According to the latest figures their is now something like 18,000 who are /claim to be of the anointed today ?
my wife has held onto them like they were family heirlooms.
we are cleaning and clearing out accumulated stuff and i pointed out that there is the cd-rom library now and that the society has made revisions and really doesn't want us to be reading the old stuff.
she said that even though there have been changes to the teachings, the wrong understanding served its' purpose at the time.
LHG I`m sure their would be some Dubs that would have paid you $$$$$`s for that if it was from a GB anointed however looking back on your post it could have been just a mentally diseased person LOL