Sour Grapes
However JW`s don`t seem to have a problem celebrating the pagan wedding anniversary or wedding ring connections do they.
last week i celebrated my birthday.
accepted well wishes from people near and far.
had been happily accepting wishes from people since i quit the cult.. as a jw, (brainwashed ) belief that birthdays are evil was the stupidest belief i had in all my life.. when in, i had a hard time to explain to people that i don’t celebrate birthdays.
However JW`s don`t seem to have a problem celebrating the pagan wedding anniversary or wedding ring connections do they.
ok so im new here~ hey-yo!.
i found this site cause i've been looking around at experiences of people leaving 'the truth' as i've been wanting to leave for some time now.
it's interesting as y'know i'd never seen it from the other side as its apostate literature and all that jazz lol.
Welcome kohanic ,whatever you do don`t show your hand to your family or to anyone in the congregation.
Keep your hand close to your chest and don`t let anyone see it.
Explanation :
These are good tips for poker players ,as well as don`t give your intentions away by body language or facial expressions.
In other words do not let others know what your intentions are before you decide what to do with your life.
You say you are still at home and are not yet ready to venture out on your own ,then the sensible thing here is do not let anyone know your intentions. Right ?
And if you do not want to cause rifts with your parents/guardians do not advertise what you intend to do beforehand.
Wait until you have everything under control and are prepared to make the break , even then do you have to make an issue out of your break ?
Why make a statement about anything ,just leave when the time comes without feeling the need to explain yourself .
You don`t owe an explanation to anyone either family or church/Elders etc. anyone .
i wrote her a text message telling her not to contact me anymore.
found out that she went back and told my mother some stuff about me.. i shouldnt have never given her my phone number....she's my next door neighbor.. she would always ask if i was going back to the kingdom hall, i would tell her no...people know that i'm not going back to the kingdom hall, and they still think that i'm going back.. i'm planning on moving from my hometown in 2 years and i cannot wait to leave!!!!
so tired of people still thinking i'm a j-dub, i've told people i havent been to the kingdom hall since 2011, and they still think i'm going back.
Jehovah`s Witnesses - True Friendship { Sorry Does not Compute }
my sister sent me this youtube.
in it are witnesses waving their phone lights and dancing in the aisles.
sorry if this vid has been posted before..
I see a schism happening in the not too distant future ,maybe a " Reformed religion of Jehovah`s Witnesses" by the more conservative old school members of the sect.
I can`t imagine old timers of this religion will accept these modern trends lying down without causing some disruption in the organization.
It seems to me their has been too much radical changes in so short a time ,just a few years ,for many of the old guard to come to grips with in these changes that mirror tele-evangelists whom they once condemned .
i saw a new video on youtube the jws put out.
it was an elder in his basement and other jws were showing up knocking with a special knock to get in.
outside you could hear people yelling where are the witnesses.
I think the end was so close in 1914 also wasn`t it ?
OH ,of course they revised that teaching after it failed to eventuate ,and then called it the End of the Gentile times.
It`s amazing how New Light seemed to always follow a failed prophecy or prediction of Jehovah`s Witnesses.
i have lurked around the site for about 3 months and finally decided to join.
this will be my first time creating a topic here.
a little backstory for me.
Welcome AA glad to have you with us.feel free to rent , rave , rant , or just spill your guts on here and you won`t be hauled into a JC meeting.
a 'concerned' jw in my congregation rang me earlier and said she's noticed my daughter sits miserable at the meetings and said she's a right miserable girl in general.
i said she's happy and hyper when she's not at the meetings they're just really boring and she doesn't want to be there.
apparently i'm a bad parent coz she feels that way.
I take your point phoebe ,I just get frustrated with what I know now in such situations maybe I wouldn`t have handled it so much differently than jrjw when I was in over 30-60 years ago .
My apologies to you Jrjw for coming across so bluntly.
And others who maybe in similar circumstances .
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
In my research people who don`t believe man went to the moon ignorantly think it was a one off event oblivious to the fact that men went to to moon six times over a period of some years.
In fact 12 men walked on the moon during that time.
Think about this : Quite a number of nations are involved in Space and it`s exploration to name a few England ,France ,Russia ,China,India,Europe etc, do you honestly think they would keep quiet with their mouths shut if it was all a hoax ?
They would be the first ones to expose it as a hoax if it didn`t happen.
a 'concerned' jw in my congregation rang me earlier and said she's noticed my daughter sits miserable at the meetings and said she's a right miserable girl in general.
i said she's happy and hyper when she's not at the meetings they're just really boring and she doesn't want to be there.
apparently i'm a bad parent coz she feels that way.
I`m sorry but I fail to understand how people like yourself put up with this sort of crap from people who have no business interfering in your lives.
You have put up with her for about 12 years ? are you kidding me ? GEEEEZZZZ
Tell her to fuck off and mind her own business.and to hell with the consequences.
What are you a mouse ? a doormat ?
Wake up to yourself. And stand up for yourself.
{Sometimes it`s just gotta be said with no punches pulled .}
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Why does the name Jehovah appear in the NWT of the new Testament ,CG,S when the Tetragrammaton nor it`s greek equivalent does not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures ? according to the KI published by the WTB&TS ?
Why are you witnesses of Jehovah when the Christian Greek Scriptures in over 30 references state that Christians are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ ? And not one scripture states specifically that Christians are to be witnesses of Jehovah ?