Thanks for posting that OTWO you handled it extremely well.
Take care.
my recent sidewalk discussion with a couple of jw's has gotten me in the mood to say more when the wife and i were riding in the car and cat stevens comes on.
i mentioned to her that cat stevens left music when he was still popular and converted to islam back in the 1970's- how he was told that his music would have to be morally acceptable and he found it easier to just abandon making new music for at least 20 years.
so i didn't really remember all the details and i figured the conversation would die.
Thanks for posting that OTWO you handled it extremely well.
Take care.
todays watchtower study is all about singing complete with instructions on how to sing.,............
"but we all have the responsibility to sing praises to jehovah.
so hold your songbook up high, lift your head, and sing with enthusiasm!".
I`m surprised the KH`s haven`t crumpled to the ground with some of the songs (?) I have heard (wailed out in agony to the listener ) many years ago
Their were some very pathetic ones 30-40 years ago ( no wonder Jesus hasn`t spoke to them since he was supposed to have approved them )
the following is a qfr from the april, 2018 watchtower.
just a couple of articles back the organization was explaining how jws need to be encouraging and even when admonishing congregations jesus would start out with encouraging words.
we see none of this in the qfr, rather, it is heavy handed and legally incorrect.. why is it not permissible to post publications of jehovah’s witnesses on a personal website or on social media?.
An outstanding example in this respect was given by Jesus himself after his death and resurrection. He had some firm counsel to give to certain congregations in Asia Minor, but notice how he went about it. Before giving them counsel, he gave warm commendation to the congregations in Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyatira. (Rev. 2:1-5, 12, 13, 18, 19)
If Christ Jesus could give counsel to certain congregations AFTER HIS DEATH and RESURRECTION in Asia Minor why has he been so bloody silent for these past 2000+ years ? And not given any instructions at all to the Governing Body of JW`s who claim to be Jehovah`s Christian Witnesses ?
They certainly do not claim that he has .
And with all the changes that have taken place over the many years since C.T.Russell was president ,using the excuse of" New Light" to explain away false predictions and prophecy`s of the organization one has to wonder about the intellect of those Jehovah`s Witnesses who do not question such an excuse given by th G.B.
lots of spacy questions lately so i'll add mine here.
theres a video of one of the guys on the international space station doing some experiments with a few portable cd players, using them as gyroscopes when turned on.
it was interesting to see.
And I thought this was about Kevin Spacey !
this strikes me as strange.
in the last few years i have met four newly associated, and in a couple of cases baptized, brothers in the congregations who say that they did long stints in secret branches of the military and that they were behind the lines, "wet work" operatives.
i might have considered it exceptional that one person who served in such a capacity would even go to church, let alone join up with the likes of jehovah's witnesses.
People who have gone through bad even traumatic experiences of one form or another can be in a vulnerable state and in that state embrace a belief system that will alleviate that stress that they are going through with a hope that they can cling on to and give them hope.
It is not a phenomenon that is restricted to JW`s. only.Many groups religious and otherwise offer such hope.
The Bible says that "hope is the assured expectation of things hoped for "
however false hope is a prescription for disaster emotionally ,physically ,and mentally.
i was just lying here thinking about mind control and thought it'd write a list just to see how much the wts does try to control every aspect of people's lives.
some of the things i've come up with are:.
Sexual activity between consenting adult married couples.
Along with everything already listed above.
i'd like share why i went from being a teenager determined to work in full time service for jehovah my entire life, to now being on here commiserating with you all.
i use to be an atheist but i now believe in god.
but i'm not preachy about god.
Welcome dantoole87 Phewwww what more can I say WOW.
this assembly hall in denmark was designed and built by the watchtower bible and track society before drones and google earth were around.
the governing body did not count on this being exposed from the arial view.
according to the 1993 year book on denmark assembly hall.
That could never be explained away as a coincidence and I agree with Diogen`s first comment
it's a fear-based religion, at its core.
jws fear many things, but what or who do they fear the most?
let's find out.... 5) satan.
How is it you can apparently blaspheme against Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and it can be forgiven you yet if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit it will not be forgiven you.
4.Meeting someone at the door who knows more than they do
i have often wondered if jesus deliberately used hyperboles to obscure his meaning.
i can say to my wife that i will love her until the moon is no more.
she well knows that i will love her forever, not simply until earth's nearest satellite crumbles into dust.
the good news is ( will) being preached in all the earth, and then the end will come....
Since the number of people in the world keeps on growing the good news will never ever end and it is assumed that neither will the gospel's true message.
The Good News that JWs preach if you can call it that has never reached more than 2/3rds, if that, of the Earths population.
If as they have stated before it is only a witness to the Nations and not every living soul on earth,can you imagine what paradise would be like with over 1 billion Muslims being resurrected ?
{ because they have never been witnessed to in strict Muslim lands }
Their would have to be an end to child birth to occur ,and for those already born to reach a mature age if every human soul was to receive a witness and make a decision to obey God or not.
Obviously that`s not going to happen.And neither what Jesus Christ predicted either .
Remember Jesus Christ was coming quickly in Revelation and that was over 2000 years ago.