That is excellent Wild_Thing no ,,correction that is sensational that you have compiled all of those clippings .
To the newbies and lurkers here I have learned so much more about the Jehovah`s Witness religion and the Bible since I joined this sight 10 years ago than all of the 33 years I was an active JW
That JW`s are Bible students is a joke more likely they are students (if you can call it that) of the Watchtower publications.
As" Are you serious" suggests the WT`s own kingdom Interlinear Translation is a big help in waking up to TTATT
Just a couple of points : 1. The Tetragrammaton nor it`s Greek equivalent appear in the Greek script so the word Jehovah should not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures that they base their NWT on.
2. In john 1;1 The NWT reads In the beginning the word was and the word was with God and the word was a god ..However in the Kingdom Interlinear it simply states that " the word was God"
Just two examples of deception.