Sorry stuck I couldn`t think of anything more cringe worthy after being out for 25 years.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Have you ever gone back to a meeting out of curiosity?
by stuckinarut2 injust wondering if anyone has gone back to a meeting out of curiosity?
(perhaps to an area far from your old khall where you know no one).
with all the changes from 2012 onwards (videos, tv screens, new meeting format, new songs etc) it would be an odd experience to be in attendance!.
"Get Out" - Best Picture Nomination for 2018 Academy Awards
by Gayle inabout a type of cult - not religious.
just a movie.
however, about had several earmarks of a cult.
While I didn`t mind the movie per se and sure it had the cult spectre about it I certainly wouldn`t nominate it for best picture for 2018 Academy Awards and I really don`t see how it relates in any way to the JW religion.
But hey that`s just me.
Login to use this site.
by Lost in the fog init struck me as funny that in order to sign in to this site we have to answer the question in the affirmative "i am not a robot.
yet if we are a jw we are a robot after years of programming by the organisation!
ironic isn't it.
Good point their lost
a question after my first JW meeting
by bleak ini attended my first jw meeting recently.
first, i would like to say what i agree with about the jehovah's witnesses beliefs and practices.. 1. they don't consider israeli's as "god's chosen people" and they don't worship israel as some holy land filled with righteous jews (although there are some there) as most so-called "christians" (christian zionists) erroneously believe they are instead of the "hypocrites" and "vipers" that it is actually filled with.. 2. they don't celebrate "holidays" like easter and christmas which are, in fact, remnants of earlier pagan practices.. 3. they don't put nation before god and christ.
they don't believe in war or going to war because of some crazy government/cia secret agenda.
They use the name "Jehovah' in the Christian Greek Scriptures of the New World translation ? that they published.
However in the Kingdom Interlinear of The Christian Greek Scriptures which they also published a word for word translation of the christian Greek scriptures the Tetragrammaton the four Hebrew letters representing God`s name nor it`s equivalent in Greek NEVER appear in the Greek text, nowhere do they exist.
So they lie when they say Jehovah`s name should appear in the New Testament It was never their in the first place by their own publication.
Home schooling website / system for JWs
by sir82 inso, apparently, there is an organization which provides structure, curriculum, etc.
for home-schooling of jw kids:.
Home school kids can matriculate in:
Janitorial work
Window washing
Cart witnessing
Leaflet/Junk Mail distribution
LollyPop school Attendant
Dole bludger / Welfare recipient
Just to name a few
They will never produce an IQ above the basic level of primary education if they even achieve that level.
Will The Governing Body Be Resigning From Controlling The Corporation When Things Get Worse And Worse?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwill they be making a lot of their gb helpers full fledge gb?
i think as they continue to loose money and members and contributions dry up, that many might be thinking how to get out of this financial mess with some sort of golden parachute, and hand over the reigns to their helpers.. i'm sure with all this bad that is happening to the corporation they would welcome an early retirement with a nice comfy nest egg away from all this bad publicity away from the public eye.
why do they want to keep fighting a losing battle give over their power for a nice comfy retirement.
Their will be those who go down with the sinking ship simply because they are too proud /arrogant /obnoxious /to ever admit they were ever wrong and that God never appointed them ,their Egos are too important for them.
a question after my first JW meeting
by bleak ini attended my first jw meeting recently.
first, i would like to say what i agree with about the jehovah's witnesses beliefs and practices.. 1. they don't consider israeli's as "god's chosen people" and they don't worship israel as some holy land filled with righteous jews (although there are some there) as most so-called "christians" (christian zionists) erroneously believe they are instead of the "hypocrites" and "vipers" that it is actually filled with.. 2. they don't celebrate "holidays" like easter and christmas which are, in fact, remnants of earlier pagan practices.. 3. they don't put nation before god and christ.
they don't believe in war or going to war because of some crazy government/cia secret agenda.
Bleak ,
JW`s / GB will tell you they were appointed by God/Jehovah/Christ Jesus in 1919 because they were the only one`s in Christendom then teaching the truth about Gods word the Bible.
However if you examine what JW`s/GB teach and believe today with what they taught back in 1919 it is totally different.
Jehovah`s Witnesses today do not believe what Jehovah`s Witnesses believed back in 1919 .
So if in fact they were approved in 19 19 for what they believed they would now be rejected for discarding those beliefs today.
The Constant Mindchatter After You Leave
by pale.emperor ini've been out almost 2 years now and consider myself wide awake to watchtower propaganda and well on my way to recovery from the mental abuse we've all experienced.. one thing that just will not go is that i constantly think of jwism and watchtower and get myself all annoyed at their lies and blatant twisting of facts in their broadcasts and magazines.
it's so bad that it's the first thing i think of when i wake up, then i have these mental arguments in my head proving the jw teachings false and then getting annoyed because no jw will listen even if you tried to tell them.
i call this constant thinking and mental reasoning and mental arguing "mindchatter".
I have been out over 25 years and I can relate to what you are saying ,my wife and boys left about the same time I did and they don`t seem to have a problem ? ( if it is a problem or just an interest ) that I have.
I just love to hear the latest from the Borg and how they are faring in the world and to add my 2 cents worth to get people thinking mainly lurkers and newbies .
I have been criticised for stating the obvious on some occasions but the purpose has been to get the still in person to reason it out.
I hear you brother loud and clear as I was in for 33 years.
Thanks for your contributions to this site.
Pillowgate makes headlines in Finland
by Festus inlocal newspaper in finland has published an article concerning wtbs:s "pillowgate@ videos.
the local "communications manager" of jehovah's witnesses - veikko leinonen - has declined to comment them.
according to him they are for internal use only.
This FINNISH SPOKESPERSON FOR jw`S CLEARLY HAS NO TROUBLE LYING trying to make out the shunned person is doing the shunning
WT predicting smartphones back in the 20s?
by paradiseseeker ini've come across a jw friendly article about watchtower predicting smartphones in the 20s.. .
of course, in the comments section there are a lot of jws freaking out saying "there is no doubt that this is the only true organization!
", "thanks jehovah that used his faithful and discreet slave to tell us some useful information about the future!
Its funny how "New Light" always seems to follow failed predictions / prophecy`s / Interpretations of Scripture that have not come to pass
Russell, was an arch-plagiarist. And so was Knorr about another organization (UN ) replacing the league Of nations
WT predictions are 99% failure to 1% Plagiarism