Nobody wants to comment on Jesus name being Immanuel ? In the christian greek Scriptures ?
It was prophesied in Isaiah that his name was to be called Immanuel not Jesus.Isa.7:14 , Mt .1 :23 ,and Mathew corroborates that scripture.
Do you or I believe what the Scriptures actually say or are we to believe what interpretations are given us by imperfect human beings with their own agendas telling us what we should believe.
It begs the question just how much of the Bible has been manipulated altered to fit the Agenda of those with something to gain from having a translation that fits their pre-conceived agenda.
The NWT of the Bible is a prime example of that placing the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures when their own publication K.I. a word for word translation of the C,G,S does not contain the Tetragrammaton anywhere in the N.T.