I know it`s easy for me to say in hindsight but what if you asked :?
Is what you currently believe in harmony with what the Bible actually states ?
Is what you currently believe in harmony with what the GB/WT interprets Scripture to mean ?
as opposed to what the Bible actually states in scripture.?
Where for example is the Tetragrammaton or it`s equivalent Greek letters in the Christian Greek Scriptures of The New Testament published by the WTB&TS ? KI.?
Nowhere !
Why did Jesus never utter the name Jehovah or an equivalent Greek name ? in the Christian Greek Scriptures ? he never did.
And why in up to 30 references in the Christian Greek Scriptures is the name Jesus and not Jehovah that Christians are to place above the name in heaven on earth or under the earth above every other name
Jesus name was to be exalted above every other name including the name Jehovah.?
Nowhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures are Christians instructed to be witnesses of Jehovah however their upwards of 30 such Scriptures that instruct Christians to be witnesses of, for, and to Jesus Christ. ( not Jehovah )
Take care Brian I wish you well and your wife also.