Their was also a small article in the Herald Sun Newspaper Victorian edition 07/03/18 concerning this subject.
Thanks for highlighting it Barbara
the topic discussed at the above link is related to this one i posted recently:.
Their was also a small article in the Herald Sun Newspaper Victorian edition 07/03/18 concerning this subject.
Thanks for highlighting it Barbara
one of the recent molest cases had a signed declaration of gerrit losch, stating he has no relation with watchtower and that he has no control over watchtower and he does not answer to watchtower.. this month he is hosting the watchtower broadcasting show, on a watchtower media chanel, with a watchtower president starring as co-host, with statements, media and music that have intellectual ownership and copyright by watchtower.. gerrit is asking on broadcasting for respect for “the slave”, just like jehova and jesus respect “the slave” and will even reward them.. are the writers of the statement too stupid to see the correlation between teaching and practicing?.
these man are proven liars.. how can hold this firewall stand?
it’s so thin.. a judge can see this mismach isn’t it??.
Vin Toole the JW lawyer who gave evidence also misled the ARC into child sexual Abuse with his testimony.
And the Elders who gave testimony hummed and arhhhed about how to answer questions put to them by Angus Stewart who went to bat for the victims.
And in my opinion they were pathetic especially one Elder who was obviously waiting for the Holy Spirit to put words in his mouth, however no words were forthcoming ...... I wonder why ?
my wife's parents are in a bad way.
she went to visit and her mother has alzheimer and father has a hart condition.
they are jws and he quit his job at gm many years ago for 1975. he moved to where the need was great to wait for the end.
DOC is right the 18 year old and her mother need to stop bludging off them and get jobs to support the home and people their bludging off .
Shaming them and the JW religion by writing a letter to the regional Newspaper as to how they are behaving would be what should be done .
There is nothing better than public exposure to get anything constructive done.
Don`t feel so guilty you have your own family to look after they obviously didn`t take notice of ps.146:3 " Do not put your trust in nobles ..." GB
just my 2 cents worth
JW`s believe the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one Satan the Devil so in their mind if you give to charities or non JW`s you are supporting Satan`s system of things
" You can`t support two masters "
So only give money and support to the WTB&TS
Simple as that .
years ago, when i was still a publisher, i had a very interesting conversation with a lady in the field service.
we were talking about punishment for sin and so on.
she believed in hellfire.
If the wages of sin is death and death therefore frees one from sin ,why did those who were resurrected in the Bible need to die again ?
And since they died again didn`t they then experience the second death from which their is no resurrection ?
So JW`s don`t expect to see Lazarus or any others who were resurrected in Paradise earth.
God`s servants didn`t do them any favours did they.
has anybody else noticed a pattern that is here among us outcasts?
there seems to be, on average, a higher level of intelligence here than there is at the kingdom hall.
actually, intelligent conversation seems to be looked down upon among the witnesses.. also, the simple language skills found here seem to be above average compared to those among the witnesses.
I`m not sure that it is we have a higher level of intelligence I think it just proves that those that stay in have a lower level of intelligence a reflection of their distaste for higher education
i'm pimo, very much against disfellowshipping, and going to a meeting leaves me feeling confused and angry at the best of times.
except an elder asked me on thursday night if i can start giving a ride to a disfellowshipped woman because she lives near me and nobody else from the hall lives in my village.
it seems the elder and his family who have been giving this woman a ride for the past six months can no longer stomach the time it takes them to go out of their way.. i thought all normal publishers weren't to have any contact with disfellowshipped people?
Ask the Elder why she was DF and if he refuses to divulge that information simply say no .
She might be a nymphomaniac for all you know and try to seduce you .
Because the Elder asks you doesn`t mean you have to accept
You sound like you are still very much under the control of the Elders ?
They have NO control over you unless you give it to them .
Understand ?
if you have the time and the means to visit israel right now, you can see something that few modern people have seen.. at the israel museum in jerusalem, a very special document will be on display.
the museum's website heading describes it as:.
genesis retold: an exceptional dead sea scroll.. .
And wasn`t it more than 2000 years after the events that supposedly happened in the garden of Eden that Moses wrote down the first five books of the Bible ?
Chinese whispers comes to mind here
Where was Jehovah God for these first 2000 years ? he obviously didn`t trust anybody to write anything down to record the History before the flood including Noah and his family. ?
copy & paste;.
atlantis listed only one form which is the s-60-e--2/18, but there are several items in the zipped folder.. .
2018 list of publications approved for discard.
Maybe Jehovah`s Witnesses need to get rid of the Christian Greek Scriptures / New Testament as those books do not support JW Theology/beliefs .
New Testament ,NT will be used for brevity .
Nowhere in the NT are Christians instructed encouraged or admonished to do anything in the name of Jehovah.
Their is not one scripture in the NT that states that.
However their is an avalanche of Scriptures in the NT that instruct ,encourage ,admonish Christians to ,witness to ,for and about Jesus Christ ,not once is Jehovah mentioned.
Furthermore the name Jehovah /Tetragrammaton does not appear in the new Testament at all.
starbucks conversation today.... "oh my god!
i recognize you!
"you-you're graham somebody...air supply...the tall one.
Your daughter and the other girl look so much alike ?
Are you sure you don`t moonlight on air supply ? You could milk a lot of free drinks out of that surely .
PS .I like the Aussie connection with the backdrop.