Is that a prophecy about members of the G.B. and how they will react to accusations of them being religious charlatans ,false prophets , falsely posing as a charity and obtaining tax exemptions that are not justified ,not giving back to Caesar(s) what belongs to Caesar ,reaping in Millions of dollars $$$$ in real Estate sales while claiming to be a not for profit organization ? and previously gaining XXX amount of dollars $$$$ in their printing & publishing empire that they had going for approx. 100 or more years still claiming to be a non profit organization.?
And their have been many other scams the WTB&TS have put over their members in recent years such as the absolving existing loans to the WT Society by Congregations that would soon be finished only to impose upon them a pledge to donate the same amount of the loan indefinitely ?
OHHH..... and let`s not forget all of the accusations that are happening around the world of Child sexual Abuse cover ups ,failure to let the appropriate authorities such as police and and other agencies know of these abuses in their congregations while they endeavour to protect their perceived image in the community.
And protect the abuser when their are no two witnesses to verify the allegations.
The poor child victim has no hope.
A total failure to protect children in their own community and at the same time exposing children outside of their religion to possible abuse by the abuser in the wider community.