Thank your lucky stars that you have found the TTATT when you have .It has probably saved you many more years of misery and heartache.
It has also stolen my parents and my sister from me. However, it has not stolen all happiness from my life.
we can only hope that that these bonds can be restored though it is not up to you to do so the onus is upon them to do so since they are the ones that do the shunning.
At the instigation of the Governing Body Members
Doesn`t the Scriptures state "Do not put your trust in Knoble`s in whom no salvation belongs ?
Ps 146 :3 and by extension the Governing Body who have set themselves up as your spiritual Gurus on their say so and their say so only.?
red flags should go up here especially when they say words to the effect "even if you don`t agree with our direction you obediently go along with it anyway " ?
Excuse me ? you will blindly follow some direction from someone you don`t personally know because he has a label given by some other people you don`t personally know and you willingly put your life and the life of your family into the hands of these strangers ?