How about the original Planet Of The Apes with Chuck Heston, or Robinson Crusoe On Mars ,The Day The Earth Stood Still, with M. Rennie or Forbidden Planet Leslie Neilson ,and the Colour Purple nominated for twelve Oscars and never received one ,shame on the Academy.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Movie-goers can be fickle (great movies that should've enjoyed huge box-office success)
by LoveUniHateExams injust thought i'd start a thread about this topic.. john carpenter's the thing (1982) was a great film, one of his best imo.
for me, it's right up there with alien (1979) as one of the greatest sci-fi horror films ever made.
and yet one film made anything between $100 - 200 million at the box office whereas the other made only $19 million.
Last days as defined by the 'still current' Reasoning book
by joey jojo inreasoning book pg.234 onwards ( from the jw org website):.
last days.
definition: the bible uses the expression “last days” to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed execution that marks the end of a system of things.
What other organization religious or secular is ashamed and hides evidence of their past history especially a religion who has produced millions of books, tracts, pamphlets,and magazines in their more than 130+ year history and now disowns / disputes /disagrees with the bulk of information that they ever published ?
How can they in all seriousness still claim to be the only "true" religion when they have trashed every "truth" they have ever published in over 130+ years of publishing their "Bible Truths" that are now cast aside .?
Memorial Question
by charity7 inhi guys.
my husband is a jw and i have a question because yesterday was the memorial.
i was wondering how they pick the date for the memorial because, even though religious groups are celebrating today as easter, next sunday is actually the anniversary date of the resurrection according to the jewish calendar?
For the sake of charity7 and other newbies ,lurkers , could you please elaborate on your statement that the Gospels differ as to what night Jesus held the last supper ?
Remark at memorial about growing annointed numbers
by Gorbatchov indon’t know if it was part of the script.. at the memorial the remark about growing annointed numbers including this numbers from 2015 to 2017 was made (from 13.000 to 18.000+).. reason for the growing numbers could be:.
- feeling annointed because of former believe.
- psychical reasons.
Maybe Gorby the growing number of partakers is because the indoctrination into the religion has become so dumb downed over the years that newer people and children growing up in the religion are less articulated about what they really believe anymore..
In other words a failure of the organization to teach newbies their core beliefs.
Also the fact that people are also getting fed up with the ever putting off the end is just around the corner mantra ,realizing they are going to die before the big A comes and want the reward when they die and not be waiting in a grave for God knows how long.
Seeing so many of their elderly faithful brothers and sisters die without gaining their reward or seeing the New System in their lifetime.
What do you think ?
O neg universal doner
by bikerchic inso i donate blood because i can.
i donate every 4 months when the bloodmobile comes to my place of work.
i know it helps.. what about you, do you donate blood?
I`m too old to donate blood so the next best thing for me was to become an Organ Donner and hopefully it will help some one.
I got back from the memorial . . .
by neat blue dog init was pretty mundane for the most part, same songs, same outline.
the only new thing they added was the video at the end, where stephen lett speaks to the visitors and commends them for coming and recommends they go to jwdotorg and also start a bible study.
they also showed a bar graph with figures increasing every year for jws, memorial attendance and memorial partakers.
He said that since the number of partakers has been steadily rising in recent years, it is proof of God's blessing and the nearness of the end,
That is the complete opposite of what they used to state, the number of partakers dying off was proof the end was near as they got closer to the end of the last Century .
Roll Call for the benefit of Newbies and Lurkers. In One Sentence tell why you left the Org.
by Wasanelder Once inroll call for the benefit of newbies and lurkers.
in one sentence tell why you left the org.
not 2 sentences.
When I finally realized that after 100 years of "Witnessing" to only about a third of the earths population that the vast majority of people they "witnessed" too ,had no idea what they were talking about.
Two witness rule: Stop using it, its not working on JWs!
by StephaneLaliberte inmost jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
I think the biggest problems here , have been and not in any order are .:
1. Jehovah`s Witnesses have viewed sexual abuse against a child in their Congregations as a sin and not a crime ? for far too long ?
2. For JW`s Elders to report such allegations to law enforcement / child protection authorities would be an admission that the JW religion is no better than any other false religion and to report such an allegation would only bring reproach on Jehovah`s name.
3 . First and foremost that must be protected is the image of the WTB&TS /JW.Org. representing Jehovah God and his recently installed King Christ Jesus in the Heavens in 1914.
4 . And if anybody who claims to be a Jehovah`s Witness and commits a wrongdoing to bring reproach on his name and Earthly organization we will simply point out they are only volunteers and will be disfellowshiped .
So a religion based on a book by another religion?
by TTWSYF inso does anyone else find it odd that jws base their whole faith on the bible?.
the bible was never in the plan for christianity.
the apostles spread the good news as they were instructed to by christ jesus .
So does anyone else find it odd that JWs base their whole faith on the bible?
That`s a fallacy ,JW`s CLAIM to base their beliefs on the Bible ,however that is not the case as has been brought out many times on this forum one way or another.
Just a couple of facts to remind us of that.
1. The Searcher has pointed out that their are over 30 Scriptures in the New Testament that Christians were to be witnesses of Jesus { not Jehovah }
Their is not one NT Scripture that says Christians followers of Jesus were to be witnesses of Jehovah not one.
2. Neither Jesus or any of his Apostles / disciples or anybody else as recorded in the NT ever uttered the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures .
And as proof of that statement look no further than the publication by the WTB&TS book
"The kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures "
A word for word translation of the Greek into English.
So TRUE Christians according to the Bible are to be witnesses of Jesus and not Jehovah .
Phil. 2:9-11
Two witness rule: Stop using it, its not working on JWs!
by StephaneLaliberte inmost jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
By the very fact JW`s hold a Judicial Committee to investigate Child Sexual abuse or any other abuse against a child condemns them as being negligent in protecting a minor.
Their holding a Judicial Committee is an admission of an allegation of a crime has been committed and should have been reported to the Police/Child protection Authorities when they have been first made aware of it and let the appropriate authorities investigate the complaint and not be involved at all until after the matter has been finalized by the legal system.