After all of the work to be in a beautiful paradise, God has once again will have to destroy billions of people. Maybethis will be the last time.
The key word being MAYBE. The flood didn't do it...Armageddon won't do it...why should we think the thousand year test (if there is one) will do it?
Isn`t their a phrase of some kind that states something along the lines of
"If you keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome " isn`t that a sign of insanity ?
Is Jehovah God Insane ?
The "Old Testament" is full of examples of Jehovah God smiting his foes,those who he was displeased with and ones that made small insignificant innocent mistakes whether they be old men or women young virgins and even children and just for the fact they were of a different tribe that he had chose .
Jehovah God was excessive in destroying all land animals and vegetation in the global Flood.
Apparently he is again going to be excessive in destroying Billions of people at Armageddon in the near future
And after the thousand years of Jesus Christ reign he is going to destroy "those nations in the four corners of the earth ,Gog and Magog to gather them for the war ( another one ) The number of these is as the sands of the sea and they advanced over the breadth of the earth."
Whose to say it wont happen again and again, many Angels followed satan`s lead and many more could do so after Satan is destroyed
Their is no guarantee that this cycle would ever end .