The real power behind the Jehovah`s Witness religion is not Jehovah and certainly not Jesus whom they relegate to the backroom ,it is the Legal department ,and the Public relations department , and the power -brokers but especially the legal department.
The legal department I believe is instrumental in determining some doctrines especially controversial doctrines and has little to do with Biblical scripture.
Jehovah`s Witnesses are not governed or directed by Holy Spirit ,they are governed and directed by what is beneficial to the advancement and growth of the religion using human strategies at their disposal such as Lawyers and power-brokers.
This was a man made religion from the start and it has used it`s influence over Gulilble people to build itself into a multi-million dollar publishing empire over the western world.
Which suited them well until it became clear they could no longer charge for books or magazines they were placing door to door. without being taxed for their sales.